CTV 1030k Underworld Denizens

No change

Inducements: 1 wizard, Star player Skitter Stab-Stab, Star player Nobbla Blackwart
Skaven CTV 1500k

14000 (1 FAME)

No change
#5 Nivvi The Eagle – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#7 Sput – Broken Neck (-AG)
#10 Sneaks – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#13 'Lucky' Trev – Dead (RIP)
#3 Saille – Smashed Knee (NI)
#10 Ceirt – Broken Neck (-AG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
470k of inducement money vs bigf's skaven means we can hire Skitter Stab-Stab and Nobbla, plus a wizard. Lets hope that's enough to make up for their bevy of skilled up players.
We start with the ball and unleash Nobbla on a guard-linerat for a stun on T1, thinking he'll be safe enough with no tackle on their team... but no it's a double POW block and he's BH'd on T1! T2 and our troll double skulls, so their +STR GR gets a blitz on our ball carrier to knock it free. They also stun 3 players leaving us 5 to use vs their full team... egads. Predictably we achieve little and by T3 they have the ball deep in our backfield. T4 and we manage to 1d block their av5 +str thrower for a niggle, though we can't threaten the ball. They respond with a BH on a gobbo and then make it 1-0.
We receive again, managing a -AGI injury on a rookie linerat while we collect the ball at the back. They counter with an MNG on a gobbo and on a thrower (oof), plus KILL another gobbo leaving us outnumbered horribly. T7 and we have little options left, throwing a linerat forward while trying our best to shield the ball, but they quickly blitz our only scoring chance down. We try for a desperate TTM attempt on T8 (gobbo catching the ball in a TZ, but not scattering forwards, or landing for that matter), and they make the most of the loose ball to make it 2-0 for half time. Game over!!
We are kicking 2-0 down and have 8 players vs their 10, with only the wizard to try and help us.. we then score a blitz that lets us rush through and catch the ball with our dodge thrower! Our celebrations are shortlived as they immediately KO him and then pass the ball downfield. With our players all committed forward (our best hope being so outnumbered) there's nothing we can do .. until they drop a handoff and we swarm in players. They rush in their own swarm so on T3 with little else to use it on we unleash the wizard's fireball on three of their players. Two GRs and a SV are knocked over but none of them hurt unfortunately and we can't even steal the ball before they recover, swarm all over us and grab the ball while all we can do is stand up the odd player each turn. By T5 we have 5 players left when they make it 3-0.
We set up 6 vs 9 for the last few turns, and try desperately for a TD, a skillup, anything, but can't get anywhere... except on our final move of the game manage a -AGI on a linerat trying to dodge towards the endzone.
What a painful game!”