CTV 1860k Chaos Renegade

60k (-10000)
16000 (1 FAME)

Chaos Chosen CTV 1420k


No change
Inducements: Star player Lord Borak the Despoiler, Star player Max Spleenripper
#6 Vince Scott II – Dead (RIP)
#2 Brendon LaBatte – Broken Neck (-AG)
#3 Odell Willis – Damaged Back (NI)
#11 Kito Poblah – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The Pact lost the toss, and prepared to take the oncoming assault.... which didn't materialize. A few Hamilton players looked dazed, but otherwise all was well. Pact players then set about bashing at things, but still remained leery of the chainsaw. Winnipeg players were seen trying to lay boots into defenseless Tigerpact players, but the ref put an end to that nonsense rather quickly. After a rather brief scrum in the middle, Zambiasi blitzed the ball free... and Dieter was there to collect the ball. We then got Spleenripper carted off the field and set about bashing the Winnipeger for all our might.
despite the score, Winnipeg was still able to set up 10 players in the second half. The start of the second half was epically bad for the Pact, and apparently one of the insults slung by a Hamilton player pissed off the ClawBombers... because the issuing mayhem was ... mayhem! Polar Dragon skillfully directed the Winnipeg team from the sidelines, knocking Dieter over and managing to pinch the ball. In the end it was Dieter and Ben who once again managed to get back, blitz the ball free, and take it back the other way. Ensuring victory.
The Winnipeg team acquitted themselves quite well, and it was a wild second half... Thanks PD!!
Stars: Big Ben - 2 cas and clutch blitzes on the ball. instrumental in both TDs
Dieter Brock - only 1 TD, but was able to hop around TZs to pick up the ball at will, also instrumental in both TDs.”