CTV 1550k Necromantic Horror

No change

Vampire CTV 1550k

18000 (1 FAME)

No change
#5 Santino – Smashed Knee (NI)
#7 Babette Freniere – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#11 Laurent – Damaged Back (NI)
#12 Allesandra – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The clouds darkened and lightening flashed as the blight of undeath gathered about the ruins of a forgotten town's blood bowl pitch. The Sleepers had awakened long enough to notice a band of blood suckers had infested the remains of forgotten hamlet. Whispers spoke that the coach was looking for a game to reanimate his team and hopefully dump a couple of costly contracts.
So it was that the Servants of the Damned found themselves across the pitch from one of the most famous teams in all of blood bowl.
Kondor spoke to his squad before the match to be certain that they knew the stakes in this one. "There are three brawlers on that side of the pitch intent on clearing this pitch and showing you rookies who is boss. Judging by your skills, that is exactly what they are going to do. To be frank, only the blood suckers will have access to the apothecary so you thralls are on your own as usual."
With those jubilant words, both teams took the field. The sleepers received, and the blood suckers charged in looking to cause a turn over. With thralls splatterd all over the place, the wight with the ball attempted a pass only to see it dropped.
Lestat made for the endzone as Akasha picked up the ball and hurried to back him up. A quick pass later and Lestat scored.
The second kick off was the same as the first. Once again the wight attempted a pass, and once again it was dropped. Again Lestat headed for the score as thrall screams resounded in his ears.
At the end of the half, the score was 2-0, but only 5 of the damned could return to the match. All three would be knocked out quickly. Louis picked up the ball and thought about delaying as much as he could. The plan was to throw the ball as far down field as he could and let them try to get it back. For some reason, that was not possible (game mechanics) so he threw it to a surrounded thrall who actually caught it. He did not keep it long. It was knocked free and scooped up by a wight who moved as quickly as he could to cut the lead in half.
With the final kick off, only two of the vampires remained to take the field. Lestat made a break for the ball and managed to tuck himself into the corner of his own endzone knowing that he was soon to go surfing. When the crowd threw it back in, there was no Servant of the Damned on the field to attempt to even slow the Sleepers down. Happily, the undead ball handling skills kicked in and they were unable to complete a short pass that would have evened the score.
The fans (and at least one player) returned to their resting places satisfied by a well played match with plenty of thrall blood to go around. (8 Cas=Ouch)
Thanks for the match Kenty. We played once before and I really enjoyed it. I look forward to a rematch with the sleepers some time.
Note to self. This was the second game in a row with my squad taking on a legendary team. The game against the Hellbound Charioteers was also enjoyable.”