CTV 1280k Shambling Undead

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Necromantic Horror CTV 1310k

17000 (1 FAME)

#4 Zrebrek Unghu – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#8 Splashed Skull The II – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Now the Bones were on the attack, a fan of the claws threw a stone, a perfect hit that took out one of the mummies. The undead tried a run down the left side of the Claw ddefense, but the ghoul carrying the ball was tackled by Uncle Claw and for the rest of the half the Claws protected the ball fiercely.
Second half was kicked of and once again the undead tried to run down a flank to get a quick touchdown, but Uncle claw does not allow anyone to bypass him, so he tackled the fragile ghoul and sent him out of the match for good. Mean while Zrebrek tried to harass the ball carrier on the other flank. The undead sent a wight to mark him while a ghoul pushed him away, but Zrebrek didnt bother and ran to blitz the ball carrier, pushing him around. Unfortunately he ended next to a mummy and his jaw was broken by the terrifyingly strong creature. Now the undead were close to the endzone, but they were delaying the game going for a draw, instead of getting a touchdown, a decesion that would cost them the game. The Claws began tearing into the undead by now, and the casualties and koed were on there side by now, the ballcarrier was blitzed and sent of the pitch,the undead wight that caught the ball tried to dodge past Doomslasher, but was tackled in the attempt. The rest of the half was intense, as both sides had an oppertunity of scoring, the Undead were close to the endzone, but didnt have the ball, while the Claws still had the speed of Uncle Claw to get a the second touchdown. In the last turn Doomslasher tried to dodge awy but was knocked to the ground, and the undead had a last chance of tying the game. The ball was picked up by a Ghoul, but it failed the go for it and fell to the ground in the endzone.
This was a close match, the Claws coach can only thank nuffle for the failed go for it, and blame Uncle Claw for leaving the defence and running for the endzone, instead of smashing the Ghoul...
Great match”