CTV 1610k Shambling Undead


Inducements: Star player Setekh
High Elf CTV 1830k
70k (-10000)


No change
#3 Duncan Idaho – Groin Strain (MNG)
#4 Thufir Hawat (ghola II) – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#5 Eragon – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#14 Hamarus – Fractured Leg (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Another SMACK Final, another loss. Got off to a good start injuring a nasty Blitzer early and getting some KOs. Then the Wights started dropping, and failing armor rolls, and failing regen rolls. Gurney was KO'd at least twice and failed to come back the first time. Got him back for the 2nd half, where he scored once. A Blitz! on the next kickoff allowed him to catch the ball, but with no Wight support and only 1 other ghoul, he didn't keep it long and was KO'd a 2nd time. Lady Jessica wasn't far behind him in the KO box. 3 CAS against, only 1 Regen roll succeeded. Setekh played very well again, and I got to use his Break Tackle and Strip Ball a lot this game. But in the end even he couldn't stop the 3rd score (though he tried).
It was fun to get to play such a storied franchise as the Nandorins, and KFoged was a fun coach to play against and chat with. I felt I was in the game until the 2nd Wight was Injured, then it was pretty much over. KFoged even managed to score a 2nd TD off that turnover, which put me way behind for the 2nd half. The quick TD and Blitz! gave me a slim chance, but with only 2 Ag3+ players left on the pitch it was going to be a long shot. I hope to get another shot at the Nandorins some day.
Grats on your first Elite Smack victory. I'm still looking for my first Anything Smack victory. Oh, and be advised that I'm gunning for Aegor now. ”