“50th game for our vampires!
We chose a nasty opponent: a human team full of speedy and violent tacklers, with an overall good guarding: stopping them seemed an hard issue.
But things did turn out different: humans have limits, while vamps don't! At the very first turn a catcher dropped the ball cursing his average agility and the bloodsucker swarmed upon him, securing the ball and running easily to meet the 1-0.
The humans had another shot, but with a great kick and a perfect defence on the kickoff they suddenly were in troubles, and unable to pick up the ball. Vamps, again, robbed it, this time bringing it back, safe behind their lines. But the counter attack met great attrition from the humans, and was stopped at midfield: again the humans tried a pass, and again they failed to catch it! With an astonishing turn the vamps managed to knock down enough players to allow a long pass without interception attempt: showing their superhuman capabilities they did it, securing the match with a 2-0 before halftime.
Then they got blitzed during their attacking kickoff, but the ball was deep downfield and opponents were far too, allowing the vamps to feel safe for some turns. But both teams pushed for the edge, burning all the RRs around and leaving few chances for the bloodsuckers. Then, when the worse seemed to be coming, 3 blocks with both downs made our wrestling thralls give their effort, opening a great hole in the opponents' defence: we couldn't ask for more!
Having few guys knocked out of field allowed to annoy almost the whole opposing team, while Êzêqêêl run through it and quickly secured the 3-0.
At this time, without an apothecary and with a sure win, the vampires retired themself in a corner of the pitch, crossing their fingers to see another failed catch! But at least once in three times Vanilla Legion managed to land a pass in the right hands, and 3-1 it was.
Nice match Cursed.”
“Yeah all the dropped catches were nearly as frustrating as ur wrestlers, and we all know with good dice vamps are nigh on unstoppable and ur damn thralls refused to die
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We chose a nasty opponent: a human team full of speedy and violent tacklers, with an overall good guarding: stopping them seemed an hard issue.
But things did turn out different: humans have limits, while vamps don't! At the very first turn a catcher dropped the ball cursing his average agility and the bloodsucker swarmed upon him, securing the ball and running easily to meet the 1-0.
The humans had another shot, but with a great kick and a perfect defence on the kickoff they suddenly were in troubles, and unable to pick up the ball. Vamps, again, robbed it, this time bringing it back, safe behind their lines. But the counter attack met great attrition from the humans, and was stopped at midfield: again the humans tried a pass, and again they failed to catch it! With an astonishing turn the vamps managed to knock down enough players to allow a long pass without interception attempt: showing their superhuman capabilities they did it, securing the match with a 2-0 before halftime.
Then they got blitzed during their attacking kickoff, but the ball was deep downfield and opponents were far too, allowing the vamps to feel safe for some turns. But both teams pushed for the edge, burning all the RRs around and leaving few chances for the bloodsuckers. Then, when the worse seemed to be coming, 3 blocks with both downs made our wrestling thralls give their effort, opening a great hole in the opponents' defence: we couldn't ask for more!
Having few guys knocked out of field allowed to annoy almost the whole opposing team, while Êzêqêêl run through it and quickly secured the 3-0.
At this time, without an apothecary and with a sure win, the vampires retired themself in a corner of the pitch, crossing their fingers to see another failed catch! But at least once in three times Vanilla Legion managed to land a pass in the right hands, and 3-1 it was.
Nice match Cursed.”