“A blitz KO and a turn 1 ko started things well for us though the Chaos had possession of the ball. Their S4 blodge surehands ball carrier was really the massive problem for us as he had strong guard support. In turn 3 they evened up the kos and started to look more composed. When another rat went out we got a bit spread out and our defence was separated. The Chaos needed to get a decent block in turn 8 but comfortably scored. We then had a very slim chance to score but Throatripper's wild uselessness meant the attempt never got going.
Second half we did a quick 2 turn td though it needed a quick pass between GRs to secure it. Next in turn 3 Skratz had a blitzing chance on the carrier but could only push rather than pow or wrestle him down. After that things got fairly comfortable for Jimmy (especially after our dreadful turns 5 & 6) though at least we didn't suffer a bloody day. Again we had some bodies in the way last turn but it wasn't enough to prevent the score.”
Second half we did a quick 2 turn td though it needed a quick pass between GRs to secure it. Next in turn 3 Skratz had a blitzing chance on the carrier but could only push rather than pow or wrestle him down. After that things got fairly comfortable for Jimmy (especially after our dreadful turns 5 & 6) though at least we didn't suffer a bloody day. Again we had some bodies in the way last turn but it wasn't enough to prevent the score.”