“Kondor crossed the pitch and thanked coach KFoged for a good match. This one went against the Second Amendment squad, but it was not due to a lack of effort. As is often the case, this one came down to a poorly timed double skull and the appearance of my paper armor.
I thought I had the grannies a couple of times, but Sara managed to pick up the ball at the last minute and rush for the go ahead score.
Thanks for the match. Perhaps I will get you next time.
By the way you need a blitzer named Granny Clampet from the Beverly Hillbillies. (I think that is how they spelled her name.)”
I thought I had the grannies a couple of times, but Sara managed to pick up the ball at the last minute and rush for the go ahead score.
Thanks for the match. Perhaps I will get you next time.
By the way you need a blitzer named Granny Clampet from the Beverly Hillbillies. (I think that is how they spelled her name.)”