CTV 1160k Orc

10000 (2 FAME)

Chaos Chosen CTV 1060k


No change
Inducements: 1 extra team training session
#6 Robert – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#8 Thomas – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Heavy hits from Newbie Troop left Method Man out cold after just two turns. Rumours that he spent the rest of the game with his feet up in the dressing room smoking medicinal herbs are completely unfounded, but in any case he did not rejoin his team mates for the rest of the game. Elsewhere two beastman were put down hard with broken bones, while late in the game 50 Cent spiked down a Chaos Warrior with such force that the big man was killed – luckily, Newbie Troops apothecary had been waiting for just such an opportunity to work his magic, and with a combination of some stitches, a bottle whiskey and a portion of spirit gum, he was able to put the unfortunate warrior back in one piece.
Newbie Troop stretched the Thug defence, working a cage forward while putting Beastmen in the backfield. Brawling and bodies slowed the cage down, prompting a wide zone break by the ball carrier. Unfortunately for Newbies, the carrier was chased down and sacked, and the ball bounced into the Orc fans on the sidelines. The Orcs promptly threw the ball deep into the Chaos half, allowing Snoop Dogg to rush downfield, retrieve, ride out a two dice blitz (both down & a skull – thanks Nuffle!) and run in for the score.
Second half dawned with a short range kick and a Newbie Troop blitz! The Thugs were caught flat footed and could only gawp helplessly as the Newbies surrounded the ball with more tackle zones than the Orcs could count. However, Nuffle smiled on the Thugs – when the ball landed, it bounced over the line of scrimmage for a touchback, allowing it to be placed in the hands of a blitzer on the opposite side of the pitch! Hard fighting followed as the Orcs forced their way towards the Chaos end zone. The ball carrier was sacked at once point, but with the continued blessings of Nuffle, the Thugs managed to retrieve the ball and ran in a second touchdown late in the half.
A fun match played in the spirit of the game! (And a better result for me than last time we played!! :-) )