CTV 1830k Nurgle

40k (-10000)

Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs, 1 Igor
Chaos Chosen CTV 2070k
70k (-30000)


#2 Spreading Disease – Damaged Back (NI)
#3 Poisonous – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#7 Nose Digger – Dead (RIP)
#10 Rot n' Tot – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
What a match. I got massively destroyed by WMDs!
Starting from the very first turn - my team being the receiving one - he was allowed to reorganize his defence, making my plans of blocking obsolete.
Whenever I started to block or blitz my players where hardly ever able to knock the opponent's players down, even when I re-rolled.
Not to mention my claws, even though they were listed on the players' personal rosters, they had actually been forgotten at home.
Fortunately I had decided to buy two Babes and an Igor, just to be rather safe. This was an absolute wise decision which turned out to be the right one - my babes totally forgot about their job and my Igor, which I had saved for my Legend - failed. Need I say anything else, I guess not.
Anyway, a lovely and entertaining match, the only real downturn was my Legend being seriously injured (-AV).
I guess Nuffle really wanted somebody to be diced today.”