CTV 1470k Orc


Chaos Chosen CTV 1100k


No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Lord Borak the Despoiler
#5 Gairloch – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
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It will come as no surprise to Blood Bowl fans that this game between Orcs and Chaos turned into a violent slug fest! Things were made worse by the fact that Saikyo and KatanaDash had become involved in a trash talking war that could only be settled on the pitch!
The Thugs set out expecting an easy win against a rookie team, but were surprised when it was revealed the Warlords had signed up Lord Borak to lead their squad! Warlords received and caged up, while punches flew thick and fast on the line of scrimmage. There was very little in the way of skilful play, but plenty in way of hard hits and KOs! Warlords couldn’t move the ball in the fact of tenacious Orc defence and the ball carrier was sacked. The Thugs retrieved, only for Snoop Dogg to get completely pole axed by a Lord Borak blitz! The ball then bounced right into Borak’s hands, prompted a wide zone breakout that culminated in a hand off to a beastman to make the score 1- 0 to the Warlords.
The Orcs received the kick with little time on the clock, but the Thugs had a hatched a cunning plan. Taking advantage of a narrow Warlords deployment, the Orcs went for a high risk, high speed passing play! Warlords were caught flat footed – a desperate blitz failed, and the Chaos team could only watch as the Orcs ran in a last turn TD!
Second half, the notoriously violent Thugs fans hurled a rock onto the pitch that KO’d a beastman – a sign of things to come! The greater experience of the Orcs began to show as the half wore on. The Thugs received, caged up, and drove forward. Some over ambitious play led to a brief ball carrier sack, but the Warlords couldn’t secure the ball. The Thugs recovered and ran in a late TD.
With little time on the clock the Warlords took risks looking for an equaliser, but it was all for nothing. Pushing deep in the Thugs half, a lone beastman was taken out by 50 Cent and sent to the hospital as a result! Meanwhile on the line of scrimmage, Lord Borak turned his back for a split second to shout instructions to the team, and took a massive punch to the head from Busta that hurt him so badly he couldn’t continue!
The violent game ended 2 – 1. Saikyo and KatanaDash grudgingly shook hands at the end of the game but there is already talk of a high stakes rematch once the league has finished...
[Good game K.D!]