CTV 1660k Shambling Undead

21000 (2 FAME)

Dark Elf CTV 1410k


Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs, 1 extra team training session
#17 Aaron Deepfist – Groin Strain (MNG)
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When the mummy knocked over an elf and sent him to the casualty box, not much was thought of it; business as usual, right? Wrong. As the Fur Kings swarmed at 1-1, fouled, and outnumbered their pointy eared opponents, somehow the ball was dislodged from a ghoul, resulting in a desperate elf attempt to throw it for a counter. The grainy hand of Fur King Big snatched the ball out the sky. 3 turns left, as Fur King Big marauded downfield with a bizarre sense of purpose.
With the position safe as the elves lost their bearings, likely due to the scene unfolding in front of them, Fur King Big glared at a ghoul. The ghoul cowered, then reacted to catch a surprise pass from its King. Then Fur King Big glared at the ghoul again, this time with an even meaner commanding gaze. The ghoul obediently bowed its head and handed the ball back, and Fur King Big marched over the line for a larson and a place in Red Blood history.
Sadly the MVP was awarded to a zombie.”