CTV 1530k Tomb Kings


Chaos Chosen CTV 1410k

18000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary
#2 Ghalmar Ragehorn – Dead (RIP)
#5 Bledrik the Gor – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
First half sees Ungors of Krul kicking, but pouring rain prevents the Khemri from picking up the ball (although it was kicked almost to the LOS, so not much forward momentum was lost.) However, numerous beastmen manage to get to the ball, and after a brief scrum, Ragash manages to escape with the ball! All the way to the endzone he goes! Only Chucka the Thro-Ra can manage to keep up with the beastman.. who then trips dodging into the end-zone on snake eyes! Down he goes, stunned, and Chucka promptly picks up the ball, and the Khemri advance inexorably. This is turn 4 of the first half.
The next 8 turns are destructive. More than 3/4 of all knock-downs the Khemri get break armour, and very few of those result in stuns. But the Ungors of Krul manage to barely stave off a touchdown in turn 8, and so until the 4th turn of the 2nd half, the score is 0-0.
At this point, the ball is rushed forward by a beastman all by himself with no cover, who gets taken down and stunned. A rookie beastman blitzes forward, frees the ball, and picks it up.. on the sideline. He is blitzed out of the pitch. The ball is thrown 11 squares straight north to the far side of the pitch.
Another beastman stands up and dodges to mark the Tomb Guardian covering Grakhaz.
Grakhaz blitzes the Blitz-Ra between him and the ball, pows him down, rushes the 8 yards, spends the last team re-roll to go for it, and picks up the ball!
Khemri from all over the pitch converge on him; one skeleton is close enough to get a 1D blitz on him, and POW! down goes Grakhaz. Only 2 other Beastmen are still on the pitch (Zelgash being long gone at this point), and both of them are covered in swarms of skeletons and Tomb Guardians.
But no other Khemri is within 2 yards of Grakhaz! He blitzes up, stuns the skeleton who took him down, picks up the ball, and goes for it twice, ending up 2 measly yards from the end zone!
3 skeletons and a thro-ra mark Grakhaz! A blitz-ra blitzes him, but skull/push re-roll push/push means Grakhaz is still standing, 2 skeletons and the blitz-ra adjacent!
Grakhaz DODGES! Grakhaz BLITZES! Grakhaz PUSHES the tackle/wrestle skeleton out of the way and Grakhaz RUNS FOR THE ONLY TOUCHDOWN OF THE GAME! Ungors of Krul WIN!
Thanks to rangey for an awesome game. Nuffle clearly was on someone's side for this match, but I couldn't tell whose - both times Ungors managed to get the ball were complete flukes, and the touchdown was unbelievable. But the horned one's may as well not have brought any armour to the pitch as they got taken out of the match like flies by the Khemri pows.
The MVP went to the dead Ghalmar Ragehorn, but Ragash Bloody Horns sole completion early in the first half skilled him into an Agi 4 BEAST!”