CTV 1500k Chaos Chosen

19000 (1 FAME)
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Dwarf CTV 1540k
#1 Zelgash Bilehorn – Damaged Back (NI)
#4 Wargor Korgoth – Dead (RIP)
#8 Grakhaz Bloodtusk – Damaged Back (NI)
#10 Storm – Broken Ribs (MNG)
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Only brought 10 players to the match due to a misclick; mda1132 brought dorfs and a deathroller.
35 blocks and 2 fouls later Ungors of Krul are left with 2 deaths, 2 niggling injuries, 3 badly hurts, 5 KO's (they loved to wake back up to get slaughtered) and 9 stuns. However, the apo DID manage to keep the first death alive! WHOOT!
Note: 1 death was caused by my own beastman double skulling. 3 KO's were caused by failing dodges, mostly on the agi 4 and agi 5 beastman, but we'll disregard those below.
As a note: both fouls only had 1 or 2 assists (and each resulted in a casualty). Only 2 dorfs had mighty block. Against armour 8, assuming that, say, 3/4 of the blocks were not with mighty blow, we see that we have 17 of the 35 blocks breaking armour, and both fouls breaking armour. Most individual blocks had 50% chance of a knockdown (both the single die blocks against the blodger without tackle were pows so we'll pretend that was 50% too for ease of math). Therefore, each individual block without mighty blow (or 27 of the blocks) had a 5/36 chance of breaking armour. Each block with mighty blow (or 8 of the blocks) had a 15/72 chance of breaking armour. Each foul (pretend 2 assists for ease of math) had a 21/36 chance of breaking armour.
The chance of Illbring you down to my level causing THIS much violence and my own guys hurting themselves this badly is, or more, is:
35 choose 17 * (5/36)^17 *21/36 *21/36 * 23/36*1/6*1/6*1/9
or less than 0.000001% chance, or less than 1 in 1000000 games.
Note that I haven't bothered to check the chances of getting that many casualties or KO's, as the results (given that many armour breaks) seems about normal, with maybe 1 extra death instead of a badly hurt or stun.
Why do I post all this: To say to all you who believe your luck is bad that YES, this does happen to lots of us! It sucks! But it was still an awful lot of fun to watch, and I figure, how often do I get to watch dorfs get 3 touchdowns, and yet fail to get a pitch clear??
Awesome game mda1132, thanks for it!
Incidentally, it also reduced my TV by 450k! Maybe now I can get some block before getting that big again.”