CTV 1430k Dwarf

19000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 extra team training session, Star player Flint Churnblade
Wood Elf CTV 1660k


#2 Scott Parker – Dead (RIP)
#3 William Gallas – Dead (RIP)
#8 Andros Townsend – Dead (RIP)
#10 Luka Modric – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Going in to this match, I knew it was going to be a brutal affair and a simple game of whether the superior positiong and ability of the elves would win out for long enough against the cas dice of the dwarves.
The first half saw the Anvils receive and bring a saw along to the party.
The elves kicked not too deep and it bobbled to rest right next to the sideline.
The elves on the LOS then got blocked down before the saw blitzed in to stun Dawson. The AG4 dwarf blitzer then gfi'd to collect the ball, with him one square outside blitz/surf range. A plucky line dwarf then dice againsted the tree, burning a rr in the process.
The Spurs response was to send some elves down one flank to try and start an envelopment while trying to blitz/block the saw out of play but only stunning. Ledly King the tree also picked himself up ;)
The dwarves then formed a tight cage near the sideline and the elves chose not to try leaping in just yet but to block some dwarves out of postion instead and close off the flank.
Predictably the saw blitzed itself off the ground, this time stunning an elf again. The dwarve cage barely moved though as thet readjusted a couple of players.
Ledley king tried to mb hit the saw, but rolled only pushbacks so Adebayor moved in and blitzed him, stunned again. A few more dwarves got blocked down, only for Aaron Lennon to roll double skulls at the end of the turn and KO himself.
Dwarf turn 4 saw them start with a ko'd elf and a forcing of the elven flank as the caged started an advance. Ledley King stoof firm against one of the slayers who failed both dauntless rolls but didnt skull. Field position was now not looking so good for the elves so it was time to try something....
Initial thoughts that there was a sneaky chain surf of the carrier on prooved too risky as it would of involved leaping a dancer in to get surfed himself the next turn so instead the elves chained pushed the tree so he could block more dwarves toward the sideline and chain push the carrier against the sideline. A couple of blocks later Adebayor swooped in to dice against the carrier. After a RR he wrestled him to the ground the the ball spilled in to the crowd and in to the spurs part of the field \o
The dwarves made some good ground in response to put two tackle zones on the ball with all elves requiring dodges to move anywhere... the half could of gone anyway at this point.
The spurs response was to knock down both dwarves around the ball and put 3 on it themselves.... Adebayor then went for the final tuck up of the ball.... but failed to hand off to Dawson so the ball was not safe from grubby dwarf hands.
Things went downhill fast from there for spurs. The saw blitzed yet again and stunned Adebayor. Other elves got blocked down, then the ag4 dwarf dodged through one tackle zone and picked up the ball in a tacklezone. Most of the spurs team found themselves surrounded as they started T6...
Spurs dodged a couple of elves out then perhaps foolishly 1db the saw and rolled skulls and another elf left the pitch badly hurt.
The dwarves scenting blood next killed Andros Townsend and stunned dawson before moving the carrier in to scoring range.
He was not out of range of adebayor however, who leaped out, dodged a couple of times, GFI'd....... then skulled himself, doh.
Anvil then seriously injured Modric with the apo failing him, before running in the score.
With one turn to reply, Spurs looked to Gareth Bale and his speed, needing only one push. I don't know why I didnt leave an elf deep for ball retreival, that said, the ball could of landed anywhere but in the end zone itself and it would of been recoverable..... obviously it did land exactly there and 'super Bale' stared at his dumbass team mates and complained to the coach. Ledley King did at least KO one of the slayers though so it was not all bad news.
2nd half kicked off with only 8 Spurs players fit and they lined up to punch down one flank for a quick score, fearing any prospect of overtime. The dwarves had set up centrally, not contesting either flank.
Defoe lead the attack and they formed a deep screen for Bale to hide behind as AG5 Adebayor god the ball ready to throw a pass next turn. King, blocked a Dwarf to badly hurt, but the apo patched him up.
Rather than make the score difficult by getting tacklzones on players the dwarves decided to using their piling on slayer to hit Scott Parker and were rewarded with another kill. Adebayor then threw a simple pass to Bale who ran in a simple score.
Kickoff again and still with 8 players coach Gritter started playng the escape to victory music on his speakers and thinking "what do ya mean we can win this?"
The dwarves blocked the elves down easily and recovered the kick which had gone deep. They then commenced "operation surround Ledley king" for some reason, committing 5 players which made me smile as I had not seen such a move since I last played Russo ;)
The speedy spurs team then commited their players forward, forming a small screen between the carrier and 'operation Ledley' and threatening the carrier with both dancers.
The dwarves advanced well next though and after stunning Defoe, formed a fairly solid looking cage just on halfway line. Things were not as secure as the looked though, as with assistance from Sandro, Gallas 2db one corner of the cage down, putting a tackle zone on another player and allowing Adebayor (after some dodging n leaping) to 1db the carrier and strip him of the ball,,, only for another dwarf to catch it on a natural 6 :(
With the cage in tatters, the dwarves decided if it doubt, kill something and Gallas became just another bloodstain on the pitch.
Adebayor then took multiple hits but was too nimble until finally being blocked down by a blitz but not stunned.... The dwarf runner then went forward to assist a block, but left a chink in the dwarf cage armour in doing so, he should of fouled.
Adebayor crawled along the ground and wrestled the carrier down with the ball bouncing in to only 2 dwarf tacklezones and further towards their endzone... Garethe Bale then turned on his afterburners, dodged, picked up, dodged and then sprinted for the score- it was Milan all over again \o/
2-1 with 4 turns to go!
The the heavens opened and the rain came down as nuffle emptied his bath water and the remaining 7 Spurs lads prepared to man the barricades....
The elf LOS went down and yet again Ledley was surrounded then blitz/po but remainded on the field. The dwarves looked to advance down the same side of the field the ball landed and semi caged just behind the halfway line.
The Spurs looked to bide their time and knocked the most advanced dwarf down and tried to contest the flank. Coach Grit mad his 2nd major mistake at this point, god alone knows why i put Dancer Defoe in a surfable position, but I did...
Defoe duely got surfed in to the crowd, but worse left a gaping hole for the dwarves to advance down the sideline...
With it all on the line, Adebayor went for another blitz and successfuly dice against stripped the ball again- this time the ball stayed on field though and his attempt to pick it up ended with a failed dodge... 2 turns left....
The dwarves knocked down the only elves standing and ko'd sandro leaving spurs with 5 men before moving the carrier in to scoring range then putting the boot in on Adebayor. This failed to stun and no one but the carrier was in scoring range with him needing 2gfi. Only a push back was needed from here so once more the hero that is Adebayor (shush Arsenal fans:) went on another mazy run....
Leaping first (and blowing a rr in the process) he then dodged, gfi'd twice and dice against the carrier once more successfully wrestling him to the ground and securing victory \o/ \o/
It was a real 'squeaky bum time' finish to the match.
There was one final act to the game though as the Anfield Anvils showed their sporting qualities by surrounding and gang fouling Adebayor hoping to add a 4th Kill to their tally. They were denied though by nuffles 'dice of great justice' and Adebayor lives to fight... and strip, another day!
Coach Gritter wins the OBBA cup for the 2nd time and with 2 different teams now (has anyone else done that?)
Glory glory Tottenham BlodgeSpur \o/
And the Spurs go marching on ON ON!