CTV 1170k Amazon

13000 (1 FAME)

Amazon CTV 1090k+100k


No change
Inducements: 1 extra team training session
#1 krooma – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#2 hira – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#7 shiaa – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The Darkan foul twice and get sent off on both occasions, losing a frenzied blitzer. Then a dodge attempt results in -1av ap rr killed on a failed dodge. Ol' Betty fractures someone’s arm. The Eyeliner collects the ball and before long the Golden Girls steamroller it down the rest of the park for a touchdown.
Darkan Team set up again to attack, now with 4 players out and outnumbered by 3, but they pushed fiercely over the line of scrimmage. They collected the ball and held it on their extreme right flank, but the Golden Girls fight back aggressively and push toward the carrier.
A break through allowed Doro to crowd push the ball carrier. Two more players are crowd pushed, the crowd throw back in the ball, Devereux collects it and passes it to Doro who dashes down the flank for a second score (but not before Devereux knocks someone else out).
In the second half the Darkan set up to defend for the first time. They fielded 7 players. The Girls blocked hard and set up a textbook cage, after Mavis “New Stink” Butcher got herself under a high deep kick.
The Golden Girls' crowd push again and the delighted fans KO another bewildered Darkan. Another Darkan foul caused a badly hurt but the incredibly busy referee red cards another player and the ill disciplined Darkan's go down to six women on the drive.
Northcoast got lax and made a few foolish blocks but still converted for the third touchdown.
Darkan set up to attack yet again, this time with 7 players.A very short kick and the Golden Girls pressed the ball mercilessly again to rub salt into Darkan's wounds.
Sophia “Ball Cuppa” collected the ball after a violent ruck and was confident enough to make a quick pass to The Eyeliner who bags her second touchdown and the games' fourth score.
A catastrophic game for the Darkan ends with three seriously injured.
Good game matey, hope to have another one with you soon.”