CTV 1580k Norse

16000 (1 FAME)

Nurgle CTV 1590k


No change
#9 King Hippo – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#11 Kung Fu Panda – Dead (RIP)
#12 Pyrite – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#11 Marquis Phenex – Broken Neck (-AG)
#18 Fredrick Dirtybrook – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The nurgle choose to receive first and I try to kick deep, perhaps a bit too deep as the kick scatters max squares and they get a touchback. They accidentally misclick and GFI with the ball carrier, roll a 1 and fall. I don't get enough pressure on the ball and they pick it up again on turn 2. We get the ball carrier blitzed on our turn 2, but fail to secure the ball properly. My norse get a lot of players knocked out and start to feel badly outnumbered. The nurgle pick up the ball on turn 5 and easily manouver to my half of the field. I can't get much done with just 5 players on the field and they score on turn 8.
Second half starts 0-1 for nurgle. I get all KOs back except my star blitzer. We get touchback and give the ball to the runner. We get up there pretty fast, I wanna try to win this one :). I score on turn 3. We get the KO'd blitzer back making it 10 norse vs 8 nurgle on field. This time we kick more carefully and don't give touchback. They cas two linemen on their first LOS blocks. We manage to stop their ball carrier, but can't score ourselves either. So the game ends 1-1 on final whistle.
An even game with only not too many survivors on the field at the end, probably 6 players for each team. I couldn't do much 1st half due to the lack of players and the nurgle's lack of reserves showed in 2nd half as they would've needed a few more players to make the score. Thanks for a fine match and well played!
Oh and grats for the new rotter. He got MVP ;)”