CTV 1280k Skaven

20000 (1 FAME)
No change

Chaos Dwarf CTV 1290k


No change
#3 Devil on the Wind IV – Dead (RIP)
#7 Hard to Find V – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#11 Lost World – Dead (RIP)
#13 Real rain coming III – Dead (RIP)
#14 Dropkick O'Toole – Gouged Eye (MNG)
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They choose to receive first. I try to kick too deep and they get a touchback. They give the ball to the ST4 cdwarf. I find that nice, he won't be piling on much then :P. They KO two linerats and BH one on their first turn meaning i'm already badly outnumbered. They advance slow and steady with the ball. I can't do much against em, not with so many rats out and no guard. They inevitably score on turn 8. I could try to OT, but get 0/4 KOs back. So I get an spp for a rookie gutter by passing, yay! :D
So 2nd half starts 0-1 for the cdorfs. I get 6 players to field on 2nd half, one still KO'd. I run a gutter deep down their side of the field with the ball. I manage to stall the game till my turn 4, then had to score 1-1 giving them 5 full turns to strike back. I only get to field 5 players, so if not a blitz! for me I'll be in a serious pickle. No blitz! but the kick goes relatively deep. I get to blitz their ball carrier down with two gutter runners and the ball lands next to them both. This might be just what it takes to delay their TD enough! I bounce the ball with a blitzed hobgob, and it lands in the hands of a gutter! The rat fails the 2+ dodge to score, though :(. Man, that would've been cool, no matter how unfair :D. Their hobgoblin fumbles the ball on their turn 6 and my big hand skaven picks it up and scores on mine. Whoa, never thought that could happen. 2-1 for skaven and 2 turns for CD to score. Better make that 1 as there's a riot moving the clock one turn further. What the bloody crap just happened? I had four players on field. I guess you never know with rats. Game ends 2-1 for skaven.
Phew, this game just seemed to be lost by the beginning of 2nd half. My awesome Overseas made the game with big hand and leap. What a lucky break this one. My rats did take a serious beating though.”