CTV 1320k Amazon
Chaos Renegade CTV 1320k

17000 (1 FAME)

No change
#4 Tsu – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#1 Nick Cullen – Damaged Back (NI)
#4 Lee Murphy – Dead (RIP)
#9 Thom Boudhram – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The game starts inna blizzard, pact wins cointoss and decide to receive first. The first round of mighty blows and piling on doesn't even break armor, this seems promising :D! They manage to pass the ball to the dark elf and cage up. They can't advance much because of my blodge and the fact that their blows don't break armor enough. They make a final run for it on turn 8 but fail the first of 2 GFIs for the endzone. I kill one marauder and foul the tackling one into BH. The first half ends 0-0.
2nd half starts with full 11 amazons vs 8 pact players. We continue to get good injury rolls and the pact is quickly reduced to 6 on field. We get the ball up and start proceeding in a solid cage. There's nothing much for the pact to do but to try to get a blitz each turn while we stall on the endline till turn 8. Game ends 1-0 for amazon.
This was a typical amazon game. 1st half the chaos pact didn't get past the blodge, though I have to admit their armor rolls weren't quite top notch, and we plainly defended and had 0-0 for 2nd half. Then we just walked the ball through the field and made it 1-0. What really made the game was the amazons' injury rolls as while their claws and mighty blows faltered, we kept stacking injuries after injuries. Thanks for the match.”