CTV 1250k Slann


Inducements: 1 extra team training session
High Elf CTV 1370k

14000 (2 FAME)

No change
#17 Ulric Silentlightning – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#13 Student Grant – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
A measly 4000 loyal froggy fanatics attended the match and found themselves shouted down and outnumbered nearly 4-1 by the Fulchester United followers.
The elves elected to receive and swiftly set up a cage midfield. However the frogs quickly saw a weakness and realised that the arrogant elves (team not coach ;-)) had underestimated their prowess. Swift as a flash Bubble Bobble wrestled the elf thrower Billy the fish to the ground, spilling the ball free. Galaxor leapt up and over to retrieve the ball and in his excitement completley missed the pass to his team mate, launching the ball to bobble around close to his mates but not actually in their outstretched hands.
Finbarr Saunders rushed forward for the elves to retrieve the ball only to receive a stiff one in the face (fnarr fnarr) from Lunar Lander. The force of Lunar Landers explosion knocked Saunders out cold and allowed Galaxor to grab the ball and toss it over to Arkanoid who scurried off to the endzone.
Outraged by this turn in events the crowd decided to take matters into their own hands, or rather feet, elbows, knees, foreheads etc. Storming the pith they overran the frogs who could do nothing to prevent the elves equalising with such a shortage of frogpower. A swift counter attack by the frogs was nullified by some more inaccurate passing. In frustraton and desperate to lead his team onwards Frogger smashed into Billy the fish causing many to think that he'd played his last game and headed off to the great fishbowl in the sky, only for the apo to step in and work his magic to restore the fish to fighting fitness.
The two team headed into their locker rooms with the score tied but the momentum in the frogs favour.
Half time snacks and drinks only seemed to rile the Fulchester Fans who again stormed the pitch leaving only 4 frogs standing as the ball was kicked to them. bravely 4 frogs stoodfirm and waited for their team mates to recover from another kicking. The slann moved the ball carefuly down the pitch and eventually scored to reclaim the lead.
The elves rushed into the frogs backfield desperate to tie the score as the seconds ticked away.
Last ditch tackles and acts of heroism saw the frogs hold out for their first win.
Many thanks to DeFunk for making it all possible.”