CTV 1670k Norse
18000 (1 FAME)
Chaos Chosen CTV 1690k
No change
#3 Happy Tom – Groin Strain (MNG)
#8 Tapio Irondanger II – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#9 King Hippo – Dead (RIP)
#11 Village – Smashed Knee (NI)
#1 Khorn's Superstar – Groin Strain (MNG)
#12 Little Nurgle – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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They win the coin and decide to receive first, which is fine by me. They get a strong start: a touchback and they seriously injure a norse lineman on their first block. I retaliate with even more strength: a CW seriously injured, one CW and a beastman KO'd! We manage to steal the ball away on our turn 3. Some bashing goes on both ways, but we're able to stall till our turn 8 and score 1-0 for norse.
We both have 10 players to field for 2nd half. They get Blitz! and kill my kicker lino. I try to bash perhaps a bit too intensively, and don't have much support for the ballpicking lineman when he fumbles the pickup. Next turn I seriously injure a beastman and get the ball picked up after using another reroll on that bugger. I fail to see a CW in blitzing range, but lucky for me, he rolls double 1s on a GFI. I make the king of misclicks and send my ulfwerener six steps down the field :D. I get to advance a few turns, but they get my ballcarrier blitzed down due to some bad plays by me. We're able to recover and stall till turn 8. They seriously injure a lineman on turn 8, but apo changes the niggle to an MNG. Game ends 2-0 for norse.
A nice game with a lot of blood on both sides. Some crucial failures made the game, I was kinda cornered 2nd half before they rolled the snakes on GFI. I'm also glad my mighty blowers stepped up at that point and started to throw chaos players out to even the numbers. Good game!”