CTV 1600k Chaos Chosen

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Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe, 1 wandering apothecary
Chaos Renegade CTV 1850k
50k (-10000)

17000 (1 FAME)

#9 Chris Greaves – Damaged Back (NI)
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Their primary game plan hinged on winning the coin toss and shortmanning the Pact via big hits and gruesome fouls to steal a tie.
They lost the toss and Chris Greaves career ended in a punishing hit seconds after the kickoff. Shortmanned themselves, the Bombers stood on their heads to stop the drive. At every turn Deiter Brock, dodged and sidestepped away from every hit until Nick Fitzgibbons nailed him on the goal line, but the Bombers couldn't clear the zone.
Deiter collected the ball, handed off to Peter Neuman for the Pact TD as the whistle blew to end the first half.
The Bomber offense was the usual drive to midfield into the teeth of the Pact defense where it stalled at the line of scrimmage. Hamilton popped the ball loose as Winnipeg KO'd marauders like they were wood elves but it was not enough.
In the dying moments of the game Winnipeg's chance to tie it up slipped away when the undisciplined bombers focused on attempting to maim Ben Zambiasi and Deiter Brock rather than advance into scoring range. Coach Polardragon will be suffering under the lash of the ownership cabal until the Claw Bomber's record improves.
Stealing a tie from the Able Sir and his scoring-bashing-dodging machine would have been a huge win for the fledgling club. Despite dice that were definitely in Winnipeg's favor in the second half, the better coach won.”