CTV 1530k Chaos Chosen

No change

Norse CTV 1430k

15000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs
#1 Silk the Shirtless V – Dead (RIP)
#10 Guy Incognito – Broken Ribs (MNG)
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We win the cointoss and decide to kick first, which works fine as we get a Blitz! We don't get much anything cool done and they BH an ulfwerener, get the ball up and cage on their turn 1. They advance steadily, knocking out a player here and there. They leave their ballcarrier open to a blitz on their turn 4 and I get him down and my remaining ulfwerener gets the ball up. They don't have much trouble getting it back though and safely stall for the rest of the half. 0-1 for chaos on their turn 8. We get a riot though and get an extra turn for the half, which gives us a theoretical chance of scoring but we fail.
2nd half starts and it's 9 norse vs 10 chaos on the field. I get the ball into scoring range relatively easily and quickly, but as they already injured a few more of my players, I'm desperate to stall. I get some bad block dice and my plans fail mightily, and they get the ball from my runner on their turn 4. I fail to get it away and they score 0-2 on their last turn.
I didn't play too well in this one and with only 11 players on my roster I didn't stand a chance against the chaos. Well played! I have to point out that you are abusing journeymen, and have to try to get a full 11 player roster. With 290k in the bank you could've managed it for your next game but I see you didn't.