“Winnipeg received and ground their way upfield. Calgary made a valiant goal line stand popping the ball free on the sideline but hamfisted basher Brendan LaBatte doggedly attempted for several turns to pick up the ball. On the very last Bomber turn of the first half he succeeded and handed off to Steve Morely for the TD.
Calgary received to start the second half and handily scored the trying point. Winnipeg received but Calgary popped the ball free and dumped it deep. Winnipeg speedster Buck Pierce recovered and passed to Brendan Labatte who amazingly hung onto the rock and made a beeline upfield.
Once again the Vampires seemed to be every where, popping the ball free within sight of their goal line. Winnipeg was unable to recover the ball as time expired. ”
Calgary received to start the second half and handily scored the trying point. Winnipeg received but Calgary popped the ball free and dumped it deep. Winnipeg speedster Buck Pierce recovered and passed to Brendan Labatte who amazingly hung onto the rock and made a beeline upfield.
Once again the Vampires seemed to be every where, popping the ball free within sight of their goal line. Winnipeg was unable to recover the ball as time expired. ”