#10 The Shadow – Damaged Back (NI) #10 The Shadow – Damaged Back (NI)
“Heh managed to lose a game I had no right to.
okostomi wins the toss receives, cas 1st block.
Turn 2 I moved all men in contact, T4 I got a good turn, random cas and a ko
Managed to stall the drive and pop the ball lose for 0-0 at half time.
His KO came back mine didn’t but at least I stopped the score
9 v 10 2nd half after los blocks – oof!
Doom Bellow lay on the ground for a few small fouls, the 3rd foul was a big one and got him.
T5 I did 2d without block, was double skull, rr double down which set up 2 one dicers for the ball without rerolls which of course were both pows.
On my T7 I had a 3+ dodge for 2d on the ball but of course I failed that and it was GG.
My dice really sucked, but I guess 1 RR lets stupid crap like this happen.
Thanks for the game anyway, revenge for the Nurgz next time!
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okostomi wins the toss receives, cas 1st block.
Turn 2 I moved all men in contact, T4 I got a good turn, random cas and a ko
Managed to stall the drive and pop the ball lose for 0-0 at half time.
His KO came back mine didn’t but at least I stopped the score
9 v 10 2nd half after los blocks – oof!
Doom Bellow lay on the ground for a few small fouls, the 3rd foul was a big one and got him.
T5 I did 2d without block, was double skull, rr double down which set up 2 one dicers for the ball without rerolls which of course were both pows.
On my T7 I had a 3+ dodge for 2d on the ball but of course I failed that and it was GG.
My dice really sucked, but I guess 1 RR lets stupid crap like this happen.
Thanks for the game anyway, revenge for the Nurgz next time!