“101 blocks, 1 foul, 1 casualty. Nuffle was not looking for blood today - no, he wanted stun stun KO KO KO KO. Fortunately, Shrieking Bloodstorm mostly got stuns. Unfortunately, the bloodweiser babes woke every human up every time, whereas the single Saurus slept the whole game away.
However the humans were unable to deal with the mass strength in their way - on both their drives they were unable to break through the lizard scales, and in the second half Shindahl managed to steal the ball, lose the ball, and recover the ball to seal the win.
Thanks for the match tattie5! New gamefinder worked very well to arrange this match, and team mascot Krrronk got MVP as he deserves to become a Guard!”
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However the humans were unable to deal with the mass strength in their way - on both their drives they were unable to break through the lizard scales, and in the second half Shindahl managed to steal the ball, lose the ball, and recover the ball to seal the win.
Thanks for the match tattie5! New gamefinder worked very well to arrange this match, and team mascot Krrronk got MVP as he deserves to become a Guard!”