CTV 1230k Nurgle
14000 (2 FAME)
Goblin CTV 1160k
Inducements: 1 bribe
#5 Paddy "Primetime" O'Gara – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#18 David Fastlightning – Dead (RIP)
#10 Dorgle – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#12 Porkus – Broken Neck (-AG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Gang Green’s roll continued in their second official SWL outing with another 2-0 victory, this time over Goblobber FC. The Brawlers were able to thread through a gap in the first half after being stalled during the start of their drive. Despite some desperate attempts from Goblobber players to strip the ball, the strength of Primetime allowed him to score on the buzzer. Unfortunetly for Primetime, his career could be limited after suffering a fractured skull in a violent collision with Dorris which saw both players leave the pitch early in the 2nd half. The Brawlers were able to defend the gob-lobbing of the opposition and force the ball free to run it up field and close out the game.
The Bayshore Buff’s 3-2-1 Voting
3: Butch – Captains knock, with a few good knocks taking Gob’s off the pitch.
2: Primetime – was everywhere, scored a touchdown and then involved in the violent collision with Dorris.
1: Whiskeylovin’ – scored the final touchdown.