CTV 1570k Dark Elf


Vampire CTV 1430k

15000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: Star player Helmut Wulf
#4 Kakkanto – Dead (RIP)
#12 BounszTrekk – Broken Neck (-AG)
#14 Jenci – Dead (RIP)
#15 Gubi – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Axeman was becoming a bit tired of having to kill everybody himself and to that end had started an club devoted to the mighty swings of the axe. They met every Friday after the Bruise at Ten, with the exception of Warkriminal who was hosting Newsfight Review. They were finally beginning to make progress, with at least half the team picking up the axe at the right end now. Jeremy decided they were ready for a drill
"News Team! Pick up axes! News Team! Begin charge! News Team! Emit Murderous War Cry! Now.....STRIKE!"
At his command, those who still had hold of the axes thundered into a wall of dummies that had been set up for the drill. Not all were successful, with Krishnan tripping over his own feet, McChokehold unable to run with his knees the way they were, and Sissons somehow picking up a packet of processed ham instead of an axe. Still, a good performance, mused Jeremy, as he surveyed the splintered remnants of the mannequins that, now he noticed, seemed to be bleeding...
Anyway turns out those dummies were the ones that come with a thrall inside. And we're wanted for multiple homicides.
Roarwrath out”