“Zombie Politicians Game #1
Yahya Abdul-Azziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh was awarded the MVP for trying a foul AND getting ejected on the teams first ever foul. He is everyman's hero.
Hu Jintao bit a thrall in the neck after watching several of the Vampires do it to get the team's first casualty.
Omar Hassan al-Bashir posted the team's first touchdown after getting an inaccurate pass from George Bush. Later in the match he pushed a Vampire out of bounds and cheered on as his zombie mates ripped its brains out. It could not regenerate as it had no brains.
However, we lost Luke Ming Flanagan. We thought we could have recruited that Vampire... but apparently our Necromancer took the day off so we will have to wait to get back to HQ before resurrecting him. He shall retain his illustrious name though of Gräfin Von Purgstall.
Politicians 2-1 over Winter in Lower Styria
And for the "lucker" comment -- we added Gräfin von Purgstall to our team as a WIGHT. So thanks for that.”
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