CTV 1750k+150k Amazon

60k (-20000)
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Inducements: 1 wizard
Amazon CTV 1860k
40k (-10000)

21000 (1 FAME)

#1 Amanda Ammann – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#5 Bianca Sissing – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
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The Misses recieved in first half.
Up until turn 6 it was a very even game with lots of pushes, but apo was used by the Swiss models.
In turn seven the Crossdressers berserked, injured Amanda and Bianca beyond reparation and stole the ball and could run off to 1-0 at halftime, still with wiz in possession.
2nd half and the Misses came up against us in an aggressive defence. The idea was to win by most blocks, slowly getting the models on their high heels out. And I was lucky with that. Not very fair. And I didnt play well. Used the wiz on 5 models, 4 was hit! none of them out though.
Played an awful turn after that and almost gave the Misses a shot for the ball. But managed to keep it sealed and then ran off for 2-0, but was hunted the whole way by upset models - who, of course, are used to get their will through all the time. But the offspring breed of ogres and snots proved once again that nuffle loves them in tourneys.
Thanks for a fun game! ”