CTV 1680k Dwarf


Orc CTV 1550k+100k


No change
Inducements: Card Inertia Damper, Card Fawndough's Headband
#1 Turtleman II – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#5 Live Action – Dead (RIP)
#10 Lolly – Dead (RIP)
#5 Yuri Andropov – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#9 Nikolai Basov – Fractured Leg (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Neal "They war fast and hit real hard...like a baer! A...BIG...GREEN....BAER!"
So wez said "Hey you green nasties, get out ar grandma's pool!"
but they just kept Growling and snarlin
so I got my thinkin cap on and decided to outsmart em. I says "hey you green nasties, me and my friends are gonna go play bloodbowl o'er here and you can't play with us!"
that's when they snarled and jumped out of the pool. They was big time bloodbowl players and told us that we can't tell them what to do. They was gonna play whether we liked it or not.
Neal "never tell an orc not to do somethin...cuz they aint never not done somethin you said no don't do...just like a baer!"
So we played ball while grandma enjoyed her pool...after she done used the aer refreshenator on it!
Neal "and we got our lumps! Hope grandma proud! Cuz i got to done bury another dog! Dang nabbit!"