CTV 1660k Skaven

22000 (2 FAME)

Dwarf CTV 1680k


No change
#4 Uoto Foetracker – Groin Strain (MNG)
#5 Glangur Barkak – Smashed Knee (NI)
#6 Hrogi Gianthackersonson – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#7 Grimnar Dragonslayerson – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
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1 st turn : deathroller out : i'm ok with it, it's skavens after all. They are quick.
Second turn : a blitz : so that's one killer out with a little -1MA as a bonus.
Finally i get to do my FIRST MOVE of the game : 4 skulls...
2 nd turn for the skavens, 2nd td : oh and i forgot : my other sleyer ? -1 MA too...
I'm not gonna describe all of the bad lucks and all of the things i just letted pass but just one other action of the game that resumes quite well :
3 dwarf lineman on one simple blitzer : skull/double for the first roll, skull/double for the second and finally a little double skull.
I don't know who the heck in this dwarf team has been swearing at nuffle's face, but man he sure got the words right.”