Over 13
12.2 Mendis strikes! Looping, dipping ball that deceives the lineman! 2 runs.
12.6 Kumar seizes on a loose shot to open his account. 3 runs!
Better but they're letting too many dot balls through.
End of Over 13 (5 runs) - 59/2 RR: 4.54
13.5 Morgan hits a sweet off-drive into a lineman's nose. 2 runs!
13.8 Gayle steals the game with the last delivery! 3 runs!
End of Over 14 (5 runs) - 64/2 RR: 4.57
A solid performance but the fans want boundaries!”
Over 13
12.2 Mendis strikes! Looping, dipping ball that deceives the lineman! 2 runs.
12.6 Kumar seizes on a loose shot to open his account. 3 runs!
Better but they're letting too many dot balls through.
End of Over 13 (5 runs) - 59/2 RR: 4.54
13.5 Morgan hits a sweet off-drive into a lineman's nose. 2 runs!
13.8 Gayle steals the game with the last delivery! 3 runs!
End of Over 14 (5 runs) - 64/2 RR: 4.57
A solid performance but the fans want boundaries!”