CTV 1000k+760k Orc
No change
Inducements: 1 bribe, Star player Ripper, Star player Varag Ghoul-Chewer, Card Gloves of Holding, Card Inertia Damper
Dark Elf CTV 1790k
60k (-10000)
17000 (1 FAME)
No change
#8 Sophearsome Roarwrath III – Serious Concussion (-AV)
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The News Team finally emerged from their luxury spa and training retreat, deep in the Swiss mountains, to have a tilt at the Fumbbl Cup title, which was "as good as a BAFTA", according to Doombleby. They were first required to investigate a group of orcs who were suspected of smuggling performance-enhanced creatures into the country. After a sequence where Warkriminal used a computer in a darkened room to track them down, the News Team broke into a seemingly-abandoned warehouse.
Standing before them was the evidence they needed! A steroid-injected orc and troll, so-called "star players"! Roarwrath was the first to act, grabbing on to the troll's shoulder in a firm, authoritative way and demanding he follow her and answer some questions. After seeing her concussed body flying through the air, the News Team took an altogether more relaxed approach, gradually investigating their way to glory.
Next up: High Elves!”