CTV 1740k+300k Shambling Undead
Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe
Shambling Undead CTV 2040k
30k (-20000)
24000 (1 FAME)
#2 Jiba-Jaba – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#3 Usamljeni hasisar – Broken Neck (-AG)
#8 Pak-Su – Dead (RIP)
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Inducements afforded Red Blood a wizard, a bribe, and some weird living creature - the locals called her a "babe" - in the dugout.
With the bribe, the plan was clear. It's the same plan the Fur Kings always orchestrate on the pitch - haul 'em down and boot 'em out.
Fur King Big surveys the field. He sees an early opening, and uses his extra movement and ability to break tackles by slipping in behind an opposing mummy, smashing it to the floor at the feet of the Red Blood zombies. Stamp needed no 2nd invitation and smashed its hand. What a start!
Then, wary of the wizard, the Dirty Dead Creeps try to slip around the side. A lightening bolt drops the star ghoul Pak-Su. The cover is wrestled down, and the zombies pour forward. Stamp duly obliges, ribbing the ghouls head off and killing it.
Meanwhile, Fur King Mean is busy piling on zombies, killing one of them too. The drive is turned over and there's little Coach Vaclav can do as the Red Blood horde overruns his lines to rack up a 3-0 victory.
Just to rub salt in the wound, the super star wight trips and breaks its own neck. It is a game to forget for the Dirty Dead Creeps.
It is a game to remember for Red Blood! Onward the Fur Kings march to their 2nd legend smack final.”