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CTV 1820k Underworld Denizens

40k (-10000)
17000 (1 FAME)

Shambling Undead CTV 1830k
40k (-10000)


#16 Austin "Chipper" Pettis – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#10 Grim Brown – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Kickoff: We received the kickoff, and the Badgers set up with 3 zombies spaced out on the LOS - an interesting choice, since it gave us 3 good MB blocks on the zombies instead of him using the two mummies and ST 4 guard wight to prevent any 2d blocks. Excited about the chance to perhaps remove a few zombies and gain the numbers advantage, we lined up...alas the Badgers were saved from this questionable setup by getting a perfect defense.
Turn 1: Due to the perfect defense, we had no 2d options available, but did have several 2+ actions with built in RR, so we started with them...but snaked the first action and our turn ended. Since we failed our first action, this gave the Badgers plenty of blocks - they RRed a push block wasting a RR - but did end up with 3 removals, however, they did not bother picking up the ball.
Turn 2: Since the ball was still on the ground, we dodged away some players and knocked down one of the guarding ghouls and grabbed the ball. The Badgers then blitzed and fouled...and then ended turn. Then never took the 2d block with wrestle on our ballcarrier. (Badger headcoach said it did not matter since the dice would bail him out...)
Turn 3: With the huge mistake by the Badgers, we had a chance to clear the players off the ball and secure it. As our first action, we dodged with our best goblin (wrestle/big hand/ag 4) - but he snaked his dodge and CAS himself. Saved by the dice again, the Badgers pounded away.
Turn 4-7: We were down to 4 players on the field fairly quickly and the undead for some unknown reason scored on Turn 7 instead of stalling out the half...this gave us a chance to try to TTM and also 2 KO wakeup rolls.
Turn 8: We went 0 for 3 on KO wakeups. We attempted to TTM, but failed the pickup (failed RR). At least we got another KO wakeup chance.
Second Half -
We went 0 for 3 again on our KOs (this included our clawpomb blitzer). We had a full squad of 16 players - but still was short - only able to field 9 to start the second half - and that included rookie troll, thrower and 7 mostly rookie goblins.
Turn 1: Badgers removed another player, then after picking up the ball, they inexplictly took risks - gfi'ing and ended up failing - leaving the ball on the ground. Given our lack of options, we sent a two-headed goblin to try to steal the ball - but failed a dodge (used dodge RR), failed another dodge (used team RR), then failed 2+ pickup.
Turn 2: Badgers just pushed our goblin and did not bother to try to pickup the ball...so our goblin just picked up the ball (4+) then ran away to the corner (no Badgers were around to even make an attempt to stop me).
Turn 3: Badgers just hit away - making it 11 of our players removed total - but no attempt on the ball, so easy TD.
Turn 4: We were down to 7 players, but got a blitz, so sent our two headed goblin to try to grab the ball. The response from the badgers was to 2d block him...so he sidestepped away. Not even trying to 3d block - or moving anyone else...we sidestepped into scoring range - so after more undead moved back to try to cover, the goblin just 2+ dodged past for the score to make it 2-1.
Turn 5: A rock takes out one ghoul, but the Badgers pickup the ball and cage up. We attempt to defend with our meager numbers - not really expecting to be able to do much. The Badgers have wasted all their RRs though at this point.
Turn 6: Badgers move forward - with a blodger holding the ball, there is little we can do - but we apply pressure.
Turn 7: The ballcarrier does not get protected for some reason - moving into open space to allow for us to mark with 2 goblins just using 2+ dodges, and a chance for more, but we fail our first 3+ dodge.
Turn 8: Down to the wire here. If wanted, could have dodged ballcarrier as first action (3+ dodge with RR) and 1 gfi to score. However, the Badgers with no RR decided to execute a "better" plan. This better plan was to make 3 2d blocks (one with no block skill), then handoff to an AG 3 ghoul who then did 1 gfi to score...
An analysis of his final turn 8 play: A dodge and gfi would have been 74% chance of working. Instead, 3 2d blocks, 3+ catch, gfi had less than a 47% chance of working.
Similar to the entire game, the Badgers made the weaker choice, but came up with the dice to bail them out.
Grats on getting the dice - but not going to work ever time for you.”