CTV 1460k+110k Chaos Renegade


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Bomber Dribblesnot
Chaos Chosen CTV 1580k

20000 (1 FAME)

#15 'Spider' Smith – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#5 Davison – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#8 Brody – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The viscious claws of the WMD's chaos warriors slashed at the brave lineman and although four of them were sent crashing to the ground they all staggered back to their feet. Meanwhile the mighty Chaos Champion Lovitt had picked up the ball, surrounded by a cage of Beastmen. Luthor marshalled his troups to hold the line and as Garak Grigolson threw himself at the Beastman cage Dribblesnot lit a bomb...
Lovitt watched with pleaseure as his chaos warriors assaulted the All-Star line. These humans had not fully embraced Chaos and they were weaker for it, he would kill them all himself and keep their skulls as a sacrifice to the Chaos Gods. Behind his helmet Lovitt smiled. So distracted by his own thoughts of slaughter was he that Lovitt almost fumbled the ball as he stooped to pick it up, but the Chaos Gods were with him and he clung onto it - just. He smiled again as his beastmen formed around him. He would be able to walk this one in...BOOM!!!
As the smoke cleared Lovitt looked at the carnage around him: Three of his four bodyguards were down, one of them being carted off the field. Then Lovitt saw him, a mutant human on the ground, savaging one of his beasts. Giving the order his team gathered for a gang foul as he retreated away from the melee, keeping the ball safe.
The defence had the initiative so Luthor gave the signal to his premier blitzer Jurgen Demmonfeeder who came running from his full back postition and KOed another beastman. Dribblesnot lit another bomb and hurled it at the fouling group around Grigolson. BOOM! Another beastman fell to the ground.
Lovitt's patience was spent, rejoining the action he ordered his deadliest fouler, Cuevas to finish Grigolson. Cuevas took a running leap at the prone blitzer, KOing him with a double horns to the head but the tactics caught the attention of the ref and Cuevas was sent off.
Luthor looked to press his advanatage and as his team charged the enemy he personally took out the lethal clawed Chaos Warrior Ketry. BOOM! Another Beastman was carted off the field. With his cover gone Lovitt decided to charge the All-Stars himself!
Dribblesnot was enyoying himself so much he lit another bomb and hurled it at the WMD line, but no, beastman Carlson intercepted it and threw it back, only for 'Contrictor' Atlanson of the All-Stars to catch it and throw it back again!
Lovitt watched as the bomb flew back and forth like a hot potatoe before finally it came his way. BOOM! Lovitt and two of his team mates were flattened by the explosion. After the smoke cleared it was Dribblesnot (with a now empty bomb bag) who finally picked up the ball and ran in the touchdown. 1-0 to the All-Stars!
The second half started with the All-Stars receiving and outnumbering their charred opponents 11-9. Dribblesnot of course had been sent off in accordance with the CRP ruling against "the excessive use of incendiary devices on the field of play" and was now moonwalking along the touchline with the cheerleaders to whoops and cheers from the crowd.
The All-Stars rushed the WMD defence and both Demonfeeder and the revived Grigolson took out a beastman. In the bloody battle that followed WMD were always hoplessly outnumbered and it was Hrull who scored the inevitable second touchdown. 2-0 to the All-Stars.
There was just enough time left for the remaining WMD's to attempt a consolation touchdown and Lovitt made a good run down field. But the longbomb pass always looked a tall order for rookie beastman Jones and so it prooved. Lovitt continued to have a battle for the ball with half the All-Stars team deep in their half but eventually Hrull snatched the ball up from under his nose and dodged away looking for a long pass to Demonfeeder for 3-0. Shortly after Hrull fumbled his pass the ref decided he had seen enough and blew the final whistle. Final score Chaos All-Stars FC 2-0 WMD's in The Box.
Much to the fans delight Dribblesnot was awarded the All-Star MVP for his sensational first half performance. The WMD MVP went to the rookie Jones - one to watch perhaps.
(Thanks for the game and baring with me with the mid game delay. Never seen bombs like that before!)