CTV 2720k Orc

80k (-70000)
23000 (1 FAME)
No change

Chaos Dwarf CTV 2140k+580k
10k (-30000)


No change
Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 bribe, Star player Hthark the Unstoppable
#3 Trident – Dead (RIP)
#13 Coldrock – Groin Strain (MNG)
#8 Karl Marx – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
An early casualty by Trident set the standard, Coach Qaz opting to send his apothecary on to patch up the dwarf blocker even though he was only going to miss the next match.
Then Coldhawk was killed but saved. Only 2 turns in and both apothecaries gone - it was going to be a nail biter for the coaches!
Midway through the 1st half, Trident was picking on chaos dwarf blocker Karl Marx away from the main action. The dwarf was plucky, and multiple times blocked the stronger black orc - the final block mysteriously killing him, much to the delight of the crowd and dismay of Coach Chainsaw. So early in the game, 1 death revived, 1 dodo dead, it was looking ominous.
Fortunately after that the 'Saws took over the game and their strength limited the options for Coach Qaz and his Six Hooves Under. On their drive, a cage down the side backfired, and Hthark the Unstoppable found himself stopped by his adoring fans as he was shoved off the field by Panthon. As usual, the big black orc was one of the most effective players for the 'Saws, so Coach Qaz ensured he followed Hthark into the crowd, but by then the ball was being carried out of reach by super star lineman Scrimmage as he ran home his 2nd TD of the game.”