“Pouring rain. Bound to hurt the rats more than the elves. Fan advantage to the Scuttelers (FAME +1). Darkelves win the coin toss, and chooses to recieve.
First Half
The rats set up in a fairly open deep defensive position, the darkelves in a pretty agressive one.
Brilliant Coaching, both teams gain a RR.
Turn 1:
Dark Elves throws three blocks to clear the LoS, two linerats down, one knocked out. A blitz takes down the stormvermin on the right. A journeyman elf picks the ball up and carries it midfield in the middle of a cage.
The rats attack on their left and blitzes and stuns a DE Blitzer in the wide zone. Then a linerat proceeds to foul the blitzer, only stuns him and is himself evicted. TO
MISTAKE! Should've blitzed the corner of the cage and held a line to stop the DE from advancing.
Turn 2:
The elves rapidly moves their cage into their left wide zone, blitzes and stuns another linerat, and moves the rest of the team to support their cage.
The rats blocks a marking elf away (stun) and moves their team back to slow the cage down.
MISTAKE! Again failed to blitz against the corner of the cage (or in this case the support) and put close pressure on it.
Turn 3:
The dark elves move their cage one square closer to the endzone.
Midfield the rats push the elves back a bit, and stupidly enough follows up, in the widezone they finally blitzes the corner of the cage and put a TZ on the carrier. A GR moves in and puts another TZ there. A linerat dodges away and positions himself and the thrower pushes a blocker away from himself (using a RR).
Turn 4:
Sneek Swifttail, GR, is blocked and knocked out. Scolde Drat, the other GR is blocked away from the cage, Stormvermin Week Krunchclaw is pushed back as well. A new cage is formed closer to the center of the field.
The rats that are getting more and more outnumbered pushes the DE's away, and surrounds the cage.
Turn 5:
The DE move their cage back to the wide zone, trapping a knocked over stormvermin between the sideline and the cage.
The rear infield corner of the cage is blocked down, and a TZ is put on the carrier, a wide positioned elf is knocked out. The trapped Stormvermin stays prone.
MISTAKE! Leaving a gap to be exploited along the sideline, and only one rat standing in front of the cage.
Turn 6:
A blitz and a block and the way is clear for the cage to move forward with just a 2+ dodge for the carrier.
The increasingly desperate rats move in to put pressure on the cage including dodging a GR into it to put a TZ on the carrier.
Turn 7:
The brave (and unskaven) GR is first pushed out of the cage, then seriously injured. Next block badly hurts a linerat. Some more pushing and then the elves score.
Elves set up to defend mainly the wide field, the rats set up for a drive through the center.
A Pitch invasion leaves 2 elves and one rat stunned. The ball ends up in the wide left corner of the field for the rats.
The rats block down the elf on the center of the LoS and runs through with a linerat and a stormvermin.
MISTAKE! should've moved the rat up to tie up the blitzer in the deep midfield and left the stormvermin to assist the gutterrunner.
Instead the GR is eager to get through and runs up and takes position near the two other rats.
The thrower picks the ball up and takes a few risky steps back up the field, not failing any GFI's.
Turn 8:
Sneek is blocked down, and a solid wall of elves positions themself between the advanced rats and the endzone.
The rats tries and fails a risky pass to a stormvermin in 2 tacklezones. TO.
If not for where the ball ended up it might have worked with a move-handover-pass-move-score, but that was just one square short.
Second Half
The elves set up a fairly open defence, the rats, that now are outnumbered 7-11 heavily weights their offence slightly off center to the right.
A Blitz! by the elves knocks the rat thrower Izgoin Tofumbel out. Six more elves swarm around the surprised rat offense and effectively blocks their way to the ball.
Turn 1:
The increasingly desperate rats go for a gutsy move having the GR dodge through the elves, pick up the ball and pass it over the elves to a linerat on the LoS. And misses the throw and instead throws it to a waiting lineelf who despite a TZ and pouring rain easily catches it. Turnover.
The elves only has to throw a 2DB block and then move the linelf carrying the ball around the shocked (and wet) rats.
Turn 2:
The six rats on the pitch deeply feels the lack of Nuffle's Love and decides to take out their frustration in the time honored way of kicking prone players. Jack Darkshield is promptly killed and Fill Errat equally promptly evicted. Numbers now 5-10.
The elves simply advance a bit.
Turn 3:
The rats trying to push the elves into scoring drops another elf on the ground, surrounds him and kicks him. Alas the elven armor held, happily enough the the ref simply laughed at the pathetic attempt.
The elves decide to punish the rats, surround their little fouling-huddle and blocks the remaining GR. [SKULL] Armor roll 9. Injury roll 10. In retrospect this is hilarious, unfortunately at the time I was still too annoyed by the lack of luck so far (2 first fouls evicted, the last fiasco named kickoff and so on) to appreciate it.
Turn 4:
Having the taste of blood on their fangs the rats just kept blocking the few elves that held back. Unfortunately not to much effect.
The elves move the ball just to the edge of the Endzone, then turns to beating up the rats. Not too convincingly though, a prone stormvermin and a stunned elven lineman from a horribly failed attempt to take down that Gutter Runner later their turn ends.
Turn 5:
Next turn sees two elves stunned, and a foul that again fails to break armor on a third isn't spotted by the ref.
The elves blocks ineffectively and decides to SCORE.
Turn 6:
The now nine elves put three liners on the LoS, the Skaven who is back up at seven prepare to launch an offence to their left.
Cheering fans (No doubt enjoying the elven blood on the field) gives the rats another reroll.
Izgoing Tofumble gets the ball, passes to Sneek Swifttail who, with the assistance of a reroll manages to catch it. Stormvermin Creek Clubbernose pushes an elf to the side, Week shoots through to and Sneek runs as fast as he can towards the endzone (actually he ran a bit faster than that, failing his second GFI).
MISTAKES! Instead of marking the elf the Stormvermin should've shot through to form some protection for Sneek, whos GFI were kind of pointless since he didn't get out of range of all the elves anyway.
The elves picks up the ball, protects it, blocks some rats, suffering a TO from a [Both Down] on a 1D block.
Had it been me I would've done my damnest to score again.
Turn 7:
Week fails to dodge into blitzing the ballcarrier.
The elves finally decides to move the ball upfield. Fails to catch the short pass and for once the ball manages to end up in the most advantagous spot for the rats. Now its just a 4+ dodge, a 3+ dodge, a 4+ pickup, a 3+ dodge, a 4+ pass, a 5+ catch, a 4+ dodge 2 GFI's left and I've scored...
Turn 8:
Of course that wasn't the route I choose, but 1 team reroll, and two 3+ dodges later it was time for the elves to finish the game. Which they did with an ineffectual block and some dark elf pinball passing.
The ball simply didn't bounce the way of the
Rats this time. Neither did much else. Yes I
tried a few risky plays, but being down in score
and having half the number of players on the
pitch kind of forces you to. And besides, it
wasn't as if I didn't fail 2+ rerollables too...
It was a game that was much more fun to revisit to write a report on than to play. I do have to apologize to my opponent for missing quite a few of the humourous highlights.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
First Half
The rats set up in a fairly open deep defensive position, the darkelves in a pretty agressive one.
Brilliant Coaching, both teams gain a RR.
Turn 1:
Dark Elves throws three blocks to clear the LoS, two linerats down, one knocked out. A blitz takes down the stormvermin on the right. A journeyman elf picks the ball up and carries it midfield in the middle of a cage.
The rats attack on their left and blitzes and stuns a DE Blitzer in the wide zone. Then a linerat proceeds to foul the blitzer, only stuns him and is himself evicted. TO
MISTAKE! Should've blitzed the corner of the cage and held a line to stop the DE from advancing.
Turn 2:
The elves rapidly moves their cage into their left wide zone, blitzes and stuns another linerat, and moves the rest of the team to support their cage.
The rats blocks a marking elf away (stun) and moves their team back to slow the cage down.
MISTAKE! Again failed to blitz against the corner of the cage (or in this case the support) and put close pressure on it.
Turn 3:
The dark elves move their cage one square closer to the endzone.
Midfield the rats push the elves back a bit, and stupidly enough follows up, in the widezone they finally blitzes the corner of the cage and put a TZ on the carrier. A GR moves in and puts another TZ there. A linerat dodges away and positions himself and the thrower pushes a blocker away from himself (using a RR).
Turn 4:
Sneek Swifttail, GR, is blocked and knocked out. Scolde Drat, the other GR is blocked away from the cage, Stormvermin Week Krunchclaw is pushed back as well. A new cage is formed closer to the center of the field.
The rats that are getting more and more outnumbered pushes the DE's away, and surrounds the cage.
Turn 5:
The DE move their cage back to the wide zone, trapping a knocked over stormvermin between the sideline and the cage.
The rear infield corner of the cage is blocked down, and a TZ is put on the carrier, a wide positioned elf is knocked out. The trapped Stormvermin stays prone.
MISTAKE! Leaving a gap to be exploited along the sideline, and only one rat standing in front of the cage.
Turn 6:
A blitz and a block and the way is clear for the cage to move forward with just a 2+ dodge for the carrier.
The increasingly desperate rats move in to put pressure on the cage including dodging a GR into it to put a TZ on the carrier.
Turn 7:
The brave (and unskaven) GR is first pushed out of the cage, then seriously injured. Next block badly hurts a linerat. Some more pushing and then the elves score.
Elves set up to defend mainly the wide field, the rats set up for a drive through the center.
A Pitch invasion leaves 2 elves and one rat stunned. The ball ends up in the wide left corner of the field for the rats.
The rats block down the elf on the center of the LoS and runs through with a linerat and a stormvermin.
MISTAKE! should've moved the rat up to tie up the blitzer in the deep midfield and left the stormvermin to assist the gutterrunner.
Instead the GR is eager to get through and runs up and takes position near the two other rats.
The thrower picks the ball up and takes a few risky steps back up the field, not failing any GFI's.
Turn 8:
Sneek is blocked down, and a solid wall of elves positions themself between the advanced rats and the endzone.
The rats tries and fails a risky pass to a stormvermin in 2 tacklezones. TO.
If not for where the ball ended up it might have worked with a move-handover-pass-move-score, but that was just one square short.
Second Half
The elves set up a fairly open defence, the rats, that now are outnumbered 7-11 heavily weights their offence slightly off center to the right.
A Blitz! by the elves knocks the rat thrower Izgoin Tofumbel out. Six more elves swarm around the surprised rat offense and effectively blocks their way to the ball.
Turn 1:
The increasingly desperate rats go for a gutsy move having the GR dodge through the elves, pick up the ball and pass it over the elves to a linerat on the LoS. And misses the throw and instead throws it to a waiting lineelf who despite a TZ and pouring rain easily catches it. Turnover.
The elves only has to throw a 2DB block and then move the linelf carrying the ball around the shocked (and wet) rats.
Turn 2:
The six rats on the pitch deeply feels the lack of Nuffle's Love and decides to take out their frustration in the time honored way of kicking prone players. Jack Darkshield is promptly killed and Fill Errat equally promptly evicted. Numbers now 5-10.
The elves simply advance a bit.
Turn 3:
The rats trying to push the elves into scoring drops another elf on the ground, surrounds him and kicks him. Alas the elven armor held, happily enough the the ref simply laughed at the pathetic attempt.
The elves decide to punish the rats, surround their little fouling-huddle and blocks the remaining GR. [SKULL] Armor roll 9. Injury roll 10. In retrospect this is hilarious, unfortunately at the time I was still too annoyed by the lack of luck so far (2 first fouls evicted, the last fiasco named kickoff and so on) to appreciate it.
Turn 4:
Having the taste of blood on their fangs the rats just kept blocking the few elves that held back. Unfortunately not to much effect.
The elves move the ball just to the edge of the Endzone, then turns to beating up the rats. Not too convincingly though, a prone stormvermin and a stunned elven lineman from a horribly failed attempt to take down that Gutter Runner later their turn ends.
Turn 5:
Next turn sees two elves stunned, and a foul that again fails to break armor on a third isn't spotted by the ref.
The elves blocks ineffectively and decides to SCORE.
Turn 6:
The now nine elves put three liners on the LoS, the Skaven who is back up at seven prepare to launch an offence to their left.
Cheering fans (No doubt enjoying the elven blood on the field) gives the rats another reroll.
Izgoing Tofumble gets the ball, passes to Sneek Swifttail who, with the assistance of a reroll manages to catch it. Stormvermin Creek Clubbernose pushes an elf to the side, Week shoots through to and Sneek runs as fast as he can towards the endzone (actually he ran a bit faster than that, failing his second GFI).
MISTAKES! Instead of marking the elf the Stormvermin should've shot through to form some protection for Sneek, whos GFI were kind of pointless since he didn't get out of range of all the elves anyway.
The elves picks up the ball, protects it, blocks some rats, suffering a TO from a [Both Down] on a 1D block.
Had it been me I would've done my damnest to score again.
Turn 7:
Week fails to dodge into blitzing the ballcarrier.
The elves finally decides to move the ball upfield. Fails to catch the short pass and for once the ball manages to end up in the most advantagous spot for the rats. Now its just a 4+ dodge, a 3+ dodge, a 4+ pickup, a 3+ dodge, a 4+ pass, a 5+ catch, a 4+ dodge 2 GFI's left and I've scored...
Turn 8:
Of course that wasn't the route I choose, but 1 team reroll, and two 3+ dodges later it was time for the elves to finish the game. Which they did with an ineffectual block and some dark elf pinball passing.
The ball simply didn't bounce the way of the
Rats this time. Neither did much else. Yes I
tried a few risky plays, but being down in score
and having half the number of players on the
pitch kind of forces you to. And besides, it
wasn't as if I didn't fail 2+ rerollables too...
It was a game that was much more fun to revisit to write a report on than to play. I do have to apologize to my opponent for missing quite a few of the humourous highlights.”