CTV 1420k+250k Chaos Renegade

No change

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe, Star player Ugroth Bolgrot
Orc CTV 1690k

15000 (1 FAME)

No change
#9 Yarloc Fangbite – Dead (RIP)
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By the third turn, the minotaur was out of the game, thanks to a faulty block thrown against Wuzza Ugh; unfortunately, by turn four, too many players had been injured or pushed off the pitch, as the pesky elf snuck by, leaving him free to score a touchdown at his leisure, a turn or two later. All right orcs, now it's time to answer back.
The ref was on our side, banning that chainsaw wielding maniac, both blockers were on the field, and we just had to find a way around the ogre and the troll. Not a problem! It was a high-kick directly into the endzone, which Gerrf Eye-Poke attempted to catch, failed, and scored us a touchback. The ball was then placed in the capable hands of that veteran blizer, Rizggy Elf-Crusher, who immediately made a blitz towards the sideline, where he promptly met up with the chaos troll's blitz, suffering an injury, and removing him from the game. This was not part of my plan. So, with Rizggy out of the game, that left fellow veteran blitzer Marlack Throttlepuke there to pick up the pieces of this plan. And pick-up he did, along with the ball, executing a spectacular blitz, injuring one of the defenders, before taking off down field, exploiting the opening left vacant by the chaos troll. An attempted elven blitz couldn't stop Marlack, as he pounded his way into the endzone. Game tied at one.
The last turn of the half was a frightening experience, when a touchback turned into a potential scoring opportunity. The ball was now in the hands of their goblin, who was standing along side their ogre, looking to toss said goblin and ball over the heads of our defenders. Thankfully, the ogre was too stupid to remember what the plan was, so a few more hits, and it was halftime.
In the spirit of Christmas, the beginning of the second half greeted us with a blizzard, another touchback, and the ball once again in the hands of Marlack Throttlepuke, near the line of scrimmage. The orcs made quick work dissecting the defense and were celebrating the go ahead touchdown only a few turns later. The chaos pact answered back by infiltrating the orcish backfield in the following turns, but a fumbled pass that bounced off the field, only to be thrown off of the field again during the throw in laded where the orcs could recover it. It was here that orc Yarloc Fangbite suffered a fatal casualty(the first for the team) while attempting to throw a simple block, but even the loss of one of our own could not stop these orcs as the spirited the ball further down field, securing their victory against coach Grr_Argh and his very capable team. My utmost respect to both coach and team for the hard fought match up.”