CTV 1210k Skaven

No change

Chaos Dwarf CTV 1210k

21000 (1 FAME)

#5 Hyper Zpeed – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#6 Rokki Duece – Dead (RIP)
#18 Vincent Bluestream – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#19 Paul Quickfist – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Scored early, then kept them from scoring before half, at great cost tho--by the time the 2nd half cam around, I had 6 player to field (Havestmouse stayed in the KO box for the whole 2nd half). With only 6 players, I could not stop his 4-turn score (though I tried). Next kickoff saw me with 3 players, none of them GR's, and the crowd decided to throw a rock, knocking one of my players out. still, blitzed and got to the ball but couldn't pick it up, and my opponent spent the rest of the half fouling my 2 down players.
got a skill, jump up, for Hyper Zpeed, but he was retired, as his job was done, he had made it to legend despite -3MA, -1ST, -2AV, and a niggle to his name, and no stat or double rolls.
Hired 2 new GR's to replace the dead and retired ones :)”