#1 Splat – Serious Concussion (-AV) #2 Splort II – Dead (RIP)
“A painful yet fun match, with the Rats capitalizing on their speed and 2 Kickoff results in the first half for 2 scores, and the Lizzies making use of their bash (and some brutal gang fouls) to outnumber the rats and score twice in the second - but ONLY by way of a no-RR Turn 16 longshot stunty-pass to Ag 2 Saurus receiver, with 2 GFI's for the tie!
Despite all the punishment the Lizzies tried to hand out, almost all were KO's, with only a couple BH, while the Rats -AV'd a sidestepping skink and killed another outright. And Kriven, the Ratter's +Ag MB Blitzer, broke his own collar bone for -St for the Rat's only permanent injury - ver' sad for all to watch.
In all fairness, despite the tie score Coach Drrek definitely outplayed me, (as reflected in the 16:19 spp result), with far fewer (if any?) mistakes, which I cannot say for myself - one more turn might have seen him regain the win - Respect!”
Despite all the punishment the Lizzies tried to hand out, almost all were KO's, with only a couple BH, while the Rats -AV'd a sidestepping skink and killed another outright. And Kriven, the Ratter's +Ag MB Blitzer, broke his own collar bone for -St for the Rat's only permanent injury - ver' sad for all to watch.
In all fairness, despite the tie score Coach Drrek definitely outplayed me, (as reflected in the 16:19 spp result), with far fewer (if any?) mistakes, which I cannot say for myself - one more turn might have seen him regain the win - Respect!”