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CTV 1610k+50k Chaos Chosen
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Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
High Elf CTV 1670k
#9 Marduk, Last of His Kin – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#5 David Foster Wallace III – Fractured Skull (-AV)
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We took our time and ground out a first-half touchdown despite the loss of Marduk, our only player with both Tackle and MB. The authors did an admirable job keeping in front of us and slowing our advance, but we pushed past enough to make a T8 handoff for the score.
We forced a quick score.
We took the ball back and ground down the pitch again, but god gummed up at midfield. Seventh Apocalypse punched a hole in the center of the line, sending troops though while maintaining a stationary cage. We tried a pass and score, hoping maybe to hold on defense, but failed the end zone GFI (doesn't everyone?). A scrum got the ball into elven hands for a long pass and a runaway. Fortunately we got the POW we needed to get it back. Unfortunately our pass back to our AG5 CW went awry. Fortunatelier, we managed to pick up a fumbled pass and complete one of our own in T16 for the win!
GG wintergreen. As an aspiring author myself, I wouldn't mind being eligible to join the team one day :)”