“"OK team, this time we are playing something living: go get 'em!"
"But coach they are so hairy!"
"I know, but the fans are on our side: go do some damage and make Appalachia proud"
"OK coach"
Excellent offence and my stupidty meant the chaos could score at the end of half one despite a heroic 1 db cas by Jeb: i really must remeber to get assists properly. The half finshed well with my LOS ripping into his putting hairy beastman down left right and centre. Ths was followed up with some wel placed rocks from the crowd getting rid of more players. Despite my inability to screen the ball carrier properly i was able to score once, leaving very few chaos plaer on the pitch. an attempted long bomb failed so i was able to grab the ball and get in in the zone again. A lineman died on turn 8 but the trusty apo patched him up: hero!
My opponent was clearly a better player than me but got diced by my great armour breaking rolls and the crowd: well played!
"But coach they are so hairy!"
"I know, but the fans are on our side: go do some damage and make Appalachia proud"
"OK coach"
Excellent offence and my stupidty meant the chaos could score at the end of half one despite a heroic 1 db cas by Jeb: i really must remeber to get assists properly. The half finshed well with my LOS ripping into his putting hairy beastman down left right and centre. Ths was followed up with some wel placed rocks from the crowd getting rid of more players. Despite my inability to screen the ball carrier properly i was able to score once, leaving very few chaos plaer on the pitch. an attempted long bomb failed so i was able to grab the ball and get in in the zone again. A lineman died on turn 8 but the trusty apo patched him up: hero!
My opponent was clearly a better player than me but got diced by my great armour breaking rolls and the crowd: well played!
Go Titans!”