CTV 1930k Nurgle

70k (-20000)

Orc CTV 1800k+100k
50k (-10000)

11000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Star player Ugroth Bolgrot
#6 Vezi Lumina – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#10 BigGuy – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#2 Troy Polamalu XII (2) – Dead (RIP)
#7 Ropati Pitoitua XII – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#11 Edmundo XII – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Once again these two teams met and victory came to the nurgles.
And again Favalessa donated a green blitzer to the greater nurglework of life on the the line of terror. Welcome Troy Polamalu XII.
Thx Fava it was a tight game which could have gone either way.
Re Roll burning, two totally exhausted teams, an angry nurgle clawpomb and a double snake for the orcs sealed the fight in overtime.
cheers rumanski ”