CTV 1890k Chaos Chosen

60k (-10000)
16000 (1 FAME)
No change

Human CTV 1780k+110k
20k (-10000)


No change
Inducements: Star player Helmut Wulf
#9 Stark – Smashed Knee (NI)
#2 Artorius – Smashed Knee (NI)
#10 Odysseus – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
They strode onto the pitch with an air of fierce pride, and determination.
The WMD's were able to capitalize on an unprotected thrower early in the game, and were able to march the ball deep, while dropping hero like clock-work.
Much to the suprise of the WMD fans, the humans fought back answering blow for blow.
At then end of the 1st half, the Heros had 2 players on the pitch to the tune of 6 WMDs.
KO were a help, and the 2nd half found the WMDs fielding 8 vs the Heros 7.
The WMDs marched the ball down to the Heros 10 yard line, and a heroic lone blitzer made a ball steal using strip ball. 6 dice would not bring that blitzer down who tried to complete a pass to the Hero still on the pitch (the Giant). The 6 st ogre failed the initial catch, but managed to pick up the ball & run for the equalizer TD.
Nuffle had other plans, and the ogre failed a go-for-it, ending the game at 1-0, with 6 cas by the WMDs, and 4 by the Heros.
The game was exciting. The company was excellent. Coach Bullroarer4 proved to be even more entertaining than the match, which was very fun, to put it mildly.
I look forward to the rematch!”