CTV 1600k+50k Skaven

14000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Card Fawndough's Headband
Wood Elf CTV 1660k


#10 Zzippy – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#7 Initri – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
1st half saw 2 TD's scored by each team, with the Elves scoring a 1-turn TD on turn 8. 1st Skaven TD was aided by a block RR'd into a double skull. AFter completing 3 passes, I realized that my Thrower was at 50 SPP's and hadn't thrown a pass yet!!
2nd half, saw more defense on both sides, as there was a scramble to keep the ball out of EZ's. The Ratz came out on top about turn 5, after an Elf tripped over the trip wire that is the EZ line.
only the Thrower got a skill, but all the GR's stayed on the pitch the whole game, a rarity these days. (oh, especially since a line rat got KO'd while I was responding to an email on the other screen..the game took focus in the middle of me typing, and my keystrokes made me use my apothecary...all kinds of wrong timning..1) never use the apoth on a line rat 2) don't use it before half time on a KO and then only on someone important to keep on the field--not a rookie linerat and probably several others)
Very good game, a couple of 2+ rolls from a tie and/or a loss.
just noticed this..but had to add because it is funny.
The Wood Elf that failed the dodge that swung the game from a potential 3-3 tie to a 4-2 loss, was Initri. He not only flubbed the dodge, but SI'd himself falling down (-ma)...then got the MVP (there must have been a Skaven judging team)..AND a skill.. we should have slipped him some cash :)