“Maurice found himself deep in thought. Well, as deep in thought as any orc could really find themselves. He was recalling the beating he had suffered the last time these two team met. It was now time to enact some revenge. Moony knew that he and the rest of Da Boyz were going into today's match the underdogs, but he knew that "Da Coach" had a plan, and when "Da Coach" has a plan, we orcs listen. Time to go put this plan into action...
A beautiful sunny day, facing off against a powerful, skill-heavy orc team, who had beaten us once before. Yeah, that was still rattling around in the mind of these orcs, so with the fans on our side, we took to the pitch to show these other so-called "orcs" how it's really done.
Before the kick even came down, veteran black orc Wazza Ugh was hit with a rock thrown by a fan, and knocked out. This pretty much set the tone for the first half. A line of black orcs with a troll in tow surged forward, as Da Boyz set up defensive position to prevent any one from breaking out for a possible reception. Which was fine, seeing as how the orcs of Waagh Forever seemed rather content simply smashing into us, as Moony quickly found himself again napping in the dugout, followed by Ja'cou injuring himself on a block gone wrong. Kuxk-Gurp was the next to be knocked out, as the onslaught marched forward. Through sheer dumb luck, the smallest of opening was made, and Marlack was able to make a blitz against the orc thrower carrying the ball. The thrower made an effort to throw the ball a moment before impact to one of the blitzers standing nearby, and to everyone's surprise and delight, Kazil intercepted the pass, in double coverage. Too bad Marlack only succeeded in knocking himself down with that blitz. Rizggy made a last ditch effort to stop the touchdown, dodging, followed by a blitz, and ended up with a skull, rerolled to another skull. The next turn they walked in that touchdown.
The ball came to us, and the only real though any of these orcs had was "Hit something." So, that's exactly what they did. Charick started the drive by blitzing their kicker, killing him with the hit. The apothecary was called in, but there was nothing that could be done. But, with any chance of answering back with a touchdown taken away due to a failed GFI, all that could be done was a few more hits, and to regroup for the second half.
Second half, the ball landed just over the LOS, in the wide zone, dead smack in front of two of our blitzers. Well, time to make it happen. Rizggy collected the ball and promptly blitz one of the opposing orcs, as he went streaking towards the goal line in an attempt for the early score. An attempt was made to knock the ball loose, but it only pushed Rizggy closer to the endzone. Even the 3 defenders surrounding him were not enough, as Rizggy dodged away to celebrate the tying score.
We kicked the ball deep and to their weak side, knowing that we had to stop them, cause a turnover, and score, all in the next 5 turns. Not a problem! Our luck had finally turned, and with most of our players still standing after multiple attempts by the opposition to knock them down, they elected to cover the ball in a 3X3 cage at the middle of the field, again the thrower carrying the ball in the dead center. It was at this point "Da Coach" yelled out, "Rock the Foe-Hammer!" An instant later a fireball came streaking over from the side of the pitch, striking the ball carrier, stunning both he and their troll, and setting the ball loose. The ball was immediately swarmed upon by several of Da Boyz, and after a block gone wrong, Marlack captured the ball and took off with it. A super star blitz was attempted by their AG5 blitzer, but Marlack remained standing. Kazil injured a black orc, just for the fun of it, as Marlack scored the go ahead touchdown.
The orcs set up for an attempt to throw their goblin into scoring range, so it was no surprise that the ball quickly ended up in the gobo's hands. But with a failed attempt, we were given one last chance to put stop them. Unfortunately, we blitzed the troll, knocking him free of two additional tackle zones, allowing him to get free next turn, and toss that stupid gobo. Such a stupid move. Game over, 2 all.
This was an enjoyable match. No, that's a lie. The first half of this match was terrible. Not a single worthwhile block from my orcs. The second half got better, with me winning the match. Except that I blew it at the end with a boneheaded, stupid play. So stupid. Coach ilpars has the nasty ability to capitalize on any and all of his opponent's mistakes. Well done.”
“When we speak the Captain, Star Thrower and Star Scorer of Waagh forever he told us
"Tripple Morg Damned Wizard. He burned me when I was going to score once more. That is cheating. May the Gork sit upon thee."
"What do you think about the unfortunate demise of your team's kicker Zakmaruk."
"Gorka Morga took him. Most fortunate. May his spores mushroom to better Zakmaruksun."”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
A beautiful sunny day, facing off against a powerful, skill-heavy orc team, who had beaten us once before. Yeah, that was still rattling around in the mind of these orcs, so with the fans on our side, we took to the pitch to show these other so-called "orcs" how it's really done.
Before the kick even came down, veteran black orc Wazza Ugh was hit with a rock thrown by a fan, and knocked out. This pretty much set the tone for the first half. A line of black orcs with a troll in tow surged forward, as Da Boyz set up defensive position to prevent any one from breaking out for a possible reception. Which was fine, seeing as how the orcs of Waagh Forever seemed rather content simply smashing into us, as Moony quickly found himself again napping in the dugout, followed by Ja'cou injuring himself on a block gone wrong. Kuxk-Gurp was the next to be knocked out, as the onslaught marched forward. Through sheer dumb luck, the smallest of opening was made, and Marlack was able to make a blitz against the orc thrower carrying the ball. The thrower made an effort to throw the ball a moment before impact to one of the blitzers standing nearby, and to everyone's surprise and delight, Kazil intercepted the pass, in double coverage. Too bad Marlack only succeeded in knocking himself down with that blitz. Rizggy made a last ditch effort to stop the touchdown, dodging, followed by a blitz, and ended up with a skull, rerolled to another skull. The next turn they walked in that touchdown.
The ball came to us, and the only real though any of these orcs had was "Hit something." So, that's exactly what they did. Charick started the drive by blitzing their kicker, killing him with the hit. The apothecary was called in, but there was nothing that could be done. But, with any chance of answering back with a touchdown taken away due to a failed GFI, all that could be done was a few more hits, and to regroup for the second half.
Second half, the ball landed just over the LOS, in the wide zone, dead smack in front of two of our blitzers. Well, time to make it happen. Rizggy collected the ball and promptly blitz one of the opposing orcs, as he went streaking towards the goal line in an attempt for the early score. An attempt was made to knock the ball loose, but it only pushed Rizggy closer to the endzone. Even the 3 defenders surrounding him were not enough, as Rizggy dodged away to celebrate the tying score.
We kicked the ball deep and to their weak side, knowing that we had to stop them, cause a turnover, and score, all in the next 5 turns. Not a problem! Our luck had finally turned, and with most of our players still standing after multiple attempts by the opposition to knock them down, they elected to cover the ball in a 3X3 cage at the middle of the field, again the thrower carrying the ball in the dead center. It was at this point "Da Coach" yelled out, "Rock the Foe-Hammer!" An instant later a fireball came streaking over from the side of the pitch, striking the ball carrier, stunning both he and their troll, and setting the ball loose. The ball was immediately swarmed upon by several of Da Boyz, and after a block gone wrong, Marlack captured the ball and took off with it. A super star blitz was attempted by their AG5 blitzer, but Marlack remained standing. Kazil injured a black orc, just for the fun of it, as Marlack scored the go ahead touchdown.
The orcs set up for an attempt to throw their goblin into scoring range, so it was no surprise that the ball quickly ended up in the gobo's hands. But with a failed attempt, we were given one last chance to put stop them. Unfortunately, we blitzed the troll, knocking him free of two additional tackle zones, allowing him to get free next turn, and toss that stupid gobo. Such a stupid move. Game over, 2 all.
This was an enjoyable match. No, that's a lie. The first half of this match was terrible. Not a single worthwhile block from my orcs. The second half got better, with me winning the match. Except that I blew it at the end with a boneheaded, stupid play. So stupid. Coach ilpars has the nasty ability to capitalize on any and all of his opponent's mistakes. Well done.”