CTV 1800k High Elf
60k (-10000)
16000 (1 FAME)
Tomb Kings CTV 1120k+650k
Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Hack Enslash, Star player Ramtut III
#1 Aerfen – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#3 Aderyn – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Taking a break from the stage (where he was delighting the shambling crowds with smooth renditions of 'Starghoul' 'Jean Djinni' and the perennial favourite, 'Diamond Ushabti'), Mr. Gravedust spoke with this favoured reporter.
Mention was made of the sterling performance of Mr. Enslash, who provided almost an entire half of virtuoso fouling; of the heroic efforts of Starman, who almost couldn't fail to scoop up the ball despite the muddy conditions. Above all though, Ziggy mockingly 'praised' the skills of the Destors. "Prancing, posing, taking my players down with fancy moves better left to the squared circle... all this was meaningless when faced with the almighty Boot!"
In all seriousness, this match was most marked by the inability of even the ag6 Thrower to handle the ball reliably. All ball-handling success came from Khemri without surehands, in the pouring rain. Nuff said.”