CTV 1060k Skaven

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Shambling Undead CTV 1010k+50k


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#1 Wrap Daddy – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#6 Old ScGhoul – Groin Strain (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
There was a token kick-off, but with too much space between the ball and the goal to equal out the match, the Popes decided that the should rather finish out the first half in style; by Connie removing one of the undead's mummies with an armor piercing blitz. The crowd watched in stunned silence as Wrap Daddy made an attempt to regain his feet, and shrug off the injury. But the fractured skull disrupted whatever unholy spirit had made its residence inside that rotting corpse, and Wrap Daddy collapsed once again to the ground, not returning for the rest of the match. The whistle blew, and we were at halftime, trailing 1-0.
The second half saw both teams once again at equal strength; ten players a piece. The Popes decided to make the early effort to score, playing for the win, rather than the tie, and were celebrating their touchdown a turn later. Now all that had to be done was one of two things: kick the ball short and recover it, or kick the ball deep and stop the undead from making it forward.
What happened instead was the ball being kicked clear off of the pitch, and the resulting touchback putting the ball back in the hands of that same ghoul. Surprise, surprise, the Brawls enacted another exciting "cage-to-cage-to-cage" play, as they eventually found their way into the endzone, for the go ahead score, 2-1.
The Popes attempted one last pass which fell from Leo VIII's grasp, and bounced away. The Brawls couldn't even find it in their undead hearts to smash through the rats on the line, and the match came to a close.
When you play for the win, only one of two things can happen: either you win, or you lose, and when you lose, you tend to lose big. One blitzer killed, a drop in the standings, and a blow to team moral. But, let us look at the other side of this coin. The VCP injured two of their players, one of which permanently, showing everyone that these rats are not to be taken lightly. Nuffle chose to smile on the two skill rolls we did amass, with John Paul II's agility increasing, and Peter consuming warpstone, granting him a mutation. Lastly, the loss would guarantee that the VCP would not have to take on the unstoppable elf team currently holding top place. By points, this may have resembled a loss, but the silver lining looks so much brighter from where we're standing.”